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4 Votes

'Scourge' of Icerack: A Guide for the Support Crystal Maiden

November 19, 2014 by UnrulySupportGuy
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UnrulySupportGuy (1) | October 29, 2014 12:56am
@Blubbles, I had never actually thought of that before. However I feel like it might slow down his farm, but I'll definitely give it a shot, my friend.

Thank you for the support, @CreamDog. CM is probably my best support right now since I've turned Vengeful Spirit into a core every time I play her. :p If it's only one hero on the enemy team, I think you'd be fine picking her as long as your tranq timing is good. Also you can always jungle CM by leveling Frostbite first, Arcane Aura second, then the standard 1-1-3 build. Just frostbite the big creep in the camp and it takes 700 magic damage over 10 seconds if you need that extra gold or level ^-^

@Bukansee, I've never actually dabbled in a blink with her, though now it's one of her core's, because I always want to make sure I can have another CC, but I think I'll try it. My last match I got a godlike spree with her, so I think I'll have enough cash to buy it. :) Thanks for the tip.
Bunkansee (32) | October 2, 2014 6:58am
Good guide, although I would think that blink is a pretty core item, really helps with positioning and getting a good ult off. I would almost always go for a blink instead of a mekansm simply because the blink lets you help out quite a bit more and helps you contribute in teamfights better. Anyway it's your guide ^-^

Good work +1
CreamDog (2) | October 1, 2014 6:49am
When not to pick CM

The enemy team has a lot of stuns/disables
The enemy team has overall a higher movespeed than you
The enemy team has a lot of burst damage or silences
The enemy team has heroes that can go invisible

I feel as if this is always haha, was a good read and a good guide.
+1 from me.
Blubbles (13) | September 30, 2014 6:32pm
You have a section on how you had to keep going for mana when playing CK. I always get Soul Ring on CK and other mana dependent heroes right after brown boots. Simple as that, it's a great item on him.
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