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Sasha's Dagon Prophet (ReWorked)

June 23, 2015 by Orphelan
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goink | November 5, 2015 11:26pm
Maxing dagon is really bad, by doing so you are delaying better items and make yourself useless later in game
goink | November 5, 2015 11:26pm
Maxing dagon is really bad, by doing so you are delaying better items and make yourself useless later in game
Orphelan | December 3, 2014 3:23pm
Seagull wrote:

I'd never upgrade dagon. 1250 for minor stats, minor cd decrease and 100 more magical damage just isn't worth it.

I would never miss the upgrade because the min is 400 and the max is 800 dmg.
Orphelan | December 3, 2014 3:11pm

Stats are good, but that money you waste on a SECOND bracer or null can be more useful,and better utilized in upgrading those items or proceding towards your core items.

TRUST ME, play more.

I understand your opinion because lot of players don't like the multiple bracelets or talisman etc. but lot of players like it. It works for me and works for others and it's up to you if you wanna use it or not

I believe you are an experienced player but I have more than 3,8k games right now in dota 2 because I play a lot, so I know this hero, that's why I like it :)
Seagull (9) | December 3, 2014 12:13pm
I'd never upgrade dagon. 1250 for minor stats, minor cd decrease and 100 more magical damage just isn't worth it.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | December 3, 2014 11:26am
Stats are good, but that money you waste on a SECOND bracer or null can be more useful,and better utilized in upgrading those items or proceding towards your core items.

TRUST ME, play more.
Orphelan | December 3, 2014 11:20am

Ughh, you should refrain from filler items like a null.
Getting more than 1 is counter productive.
As you play more, you might understand.

Trust me. I know these items.
Null Talisman is very good for Intell heroes.
Bracer for strength and Wraith Band for agility heroes.
They give you very good stat in the early game and it's very effective and common.
They are not just "filler items".
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | December 3, 2014 1:37am
AciD_DotA wrote:

Getting both a Dagon and a Hand of Midas together is completely counter-productive to what you want to accomplish with this build.

I never said anything bout getting both?
Orphelan wrote:

Well Like I said depends on the game. Usually I build 3 Null Talisman so that's why. Null Talisman is a very underestimated item.

Ughh, you should refrain from filler items like a null.
Getting more than 1 is counter productive.
As you play more, you might understand.
Orphelan | December 3, 2014 12:24am

How does it take 9 min for a dagon? Its a 6 min item.
And Midas is a 5-6 min item.

Well Like I said depends on the game. Usually I build 3 Null Talisman so that's why. Null Talisman is a very underestimated item.

Not a bad Idea. I added.
AciD_DotA | December 2, 2014 9:40pm
Was just thinking, if I were to get Midas at any point during this build it would be after I build Dagon lvl 1 or 2 and get my first gank kill and somehow I get lucky and get 2 kills or even 3. Only then would I consider a Hand of Midas b/c having the 1st core item up first enables you to be active on the map with ganks while also taking advantage of the snowball-like effect Midas has on the mid to late game and creates a bypass to the passive-farming stage that would've been necessary had you went with the initially mentioned Midas before Dagon build. The AS is helpful on NP but the synergy as a 1st item in this build is horrendous and really brings down the overall effectiveness it would have overall. The best time to buy a Midas in this build imho would of course be the previously mentioned timing after D1-2 is finished and you have successfully initiated 1-3 kills b4 purchasing. The worst thing you can do is buy a Midas without thinking about how it fits with your plan and gameplan for the style of game you are going to be attempting to play.
AciD_DotA | December 2, 2014 9:24pm

How does it take 9 min for a dagon? Its a 6 min item.
And Midas is a 5-6 min item.

Getting both a Dagon and a Hand of Midas together is completely counter-productive to what you want to accomplish with this build. The whole point of rushing the Dagon is so you can be active with your Teleportation ability and pull of ganks immediately once it's finished thanks to the incredible burst damage it provides at lvl 1. But unfortunately that is exactly the opposite of what you want to be doing when you purchase a Hand of Midas, which would imply you will be passively farming for sometime in the future in order to maximize efficiency and make back the cost of the item as well as getting the 1st core item out in time can make it difficult to do both at the same time effectively. So I would say go with 1 or the other b/c they both require a whole different philosophy towards the game and suggesting getting both makes it seem like you don't understand the tactical differences between items in general.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | December 2, 2014 7:17am
How does it take 9 min for a dagon? Its a 6 min item.
And Midas is a 5-6 min item.
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