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16 Votes

Sasha the Bounty Hunter

November 29, 2015 by Orphelan
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Orphelan | November 30, 2015 2:15am
Doesn't matter my friend!

You don't have to use this guide or agree with me but you didn't read this you proved it!
I'm usually a nice guy and always try to be nice even if someone try to be rude but I just can't accept if you don't read something and start to criticism.
If you read something I can argue with you but not this way.

Have a nice day!
nwoh99 | November 30, 2015 2:02am
1. Please show me your dotabuff maybe?

2. I did read it. You are a ganker that goes with your carry, but takes last hits for some reason. So you are a semi-carry that goes with the carry. Ok. Btw, invisibilty isn't invincibility.

3. Euls can be core, but not only euls provides dispel.

4. Bounty can be played as a pos3, but pos4 and 5 is much better for bounty. But that is for me, you are free to think differently.
Orphelan | November 30, 2015 1:39am
nwoh99 wrote:


1) This guide is suitable for fun pubs and not so serious games. You should at least tell that.

2) If you are gettting mkb, deso, daed you shouldnt be supporting. Drop the wards. Also, no survivability at all? You'll get destroyed in 5 secs in a fight.

3) If you really want to get wards and be a support, get items like Guardian Greaves or force staff or glimmer.

4) Euls is situational. Get it if they have silences or Slardar, or to disrupt skills such as blackhole, chronosphere or Fiend's grip.

1. I strongly disagree! This is how I play with bounty and he is my all time top hero. I didn't made this guide to mislead people. It's a very serious guide for pubs, ranked and for every game.

2. I'm sure you didn't read the guide because it's not a "how to be a support" tutorial. You just checked the items my friend. I explained everything and every item in the guide.
There is an another guide for bounty if you wanna be a support. I recommend that because that is good.
I also explained bounty is not an 1v1 hard carry hero. It's an assassin stealth style. Hunt down and get gold!
You can buy items and you can survive but you will have no damage. That is support not semi carry.

3. Same here. You just proved again you didn't read this guide.

4. EUL is a core items for me. Saved my *** several times. I saw it a couple of years ago used by Broodmother. I started to play with this item and learnt how to play with it. Works against lot of hero, dust, ulti, escape etc.

My suggestion: You think bounty is a support only hero. He is not!
Next time my friend please read the guide that would be fair!
nwoh99 | November 29, 2015 9:22pm

1) This guide is suitable for fun pubs and not so serious games. You should at least tell that.

2) If you are gettting mkb, deso, daed you shouldnt be supporting. Drop the wards. Also, no survivability at all? You'll get destroyed in 5 secs in a fight.

3) If you really want to get wards and be a support, get items like Guardian Greaves or force staff or glimmer.

4) Euls is situational. Get it if they have silences or Slardar, or to disrupt skills such as blackhole, chronosphere or Fiend's grip.
Orphelan | July 16, 2015 10:13am
ihatermt wrote:

Thanks for your BH Guide
Your guide make BH seems easy and powerful too use hahaha

By the way, I have some question.
About condition Hero (Teammate)

- While in my team there has 2 carry and bad Initiator.. What role i must be play with this hero ?

- Your Opinion if BH take mid lane ?

Thanks before


I'm happy you like it.
2 carries
Just play as a nuker. Using the Track all the time is the best help for your carries.
So much gold = better items faster.

Bad initiator, carry or bad support etc means public :) But seriously **** happens and just practice, try your best, use Track. Sometimes I lost the game because the whole team (including me or not) is not the best or something is missing etc. It's part of this game.

Middle with bounty
The biggest problem is the enemy can counter your invis with 1 sentry. Very cheap solution.
I don't recommend it.
ihatermt | July 16, 2015 3:03am
Thanks for your BH Guide
Your guide make BH seems easy and powerful too use hahaha

By the way, I have some question.
About condition Hero (Teammate)

- While in my team there has 2 carry and bad Initiator.. What role i must be play with this hero ?

- Your Opinion if BH take mid lane ?

Thanks before
Orphelan | May 20, 2015 5:35am
voodoodoll wrote:

I'll definitely try the Eul's, it sounds interesting.

Few things:

1. How do you feel about Orb of Venom, at least situationally? You could easily swap out the Circlet and the Ring of Protection. It will delay your Aquila somewhat, but since you have 2 Clarities, that should be fine, and it makes getting early kills so much easier, especially at the first rune.

2. No Stout Shield or Poor Man's Shield? Especially the latter is great if you want to jungle from time to time. Obviously, the Ring of Protection works in place of a Stout, but I would consider just straight up buying a Poor Man's later.

1. The damage and the slowing effect from the Orb of Venom works if you play with a hero who can attack very fast like Riki or Phantom Lancer.
Jinada + Shuriken Toss should kill the enemy but Bounty has no attack speed.

2. Stout Shield and Poor Man's Shield is not my favorite on bounty. Why you need it?
Bounty has invis ability.
Invis + wait till cd + hit (proc Jinada) + Shuriken Toss + invis again. REPEAT!
In that case if you wanna build Poor Man's Shield don't build Ring of Basilius and you will be fine with gold.
voodoodoll (1) | May 19, 2015 8:20am
I'll definitely try the Eul's, it sounds interesting.

Few things:

1. How do you feel about Orb of Venom, at least situationally? You could easily swap out the Circlet and the Ring of Protection. It will delay your Aquila somewhat, but since you have 2 Clarities, that should be fine, and it makes getting early kills so much easier, especially at the first rune.

2. No Stout Shield or Poor Man's Shield? Especially the latter is great if you want to jungle from time to time. Obviously, the Ring of Protection works in place of a Stout, but I would consider just straight up buying a Poor Man's later.
Bukler (1) | May 18, 2015 10:48am
Sange + Yasha= (S)ange+Y(asha)

Orphelan | March 23, 2015 6:14pm
michimatsch wrote:

You go with your carry?

Yes I go with a carry because easy to do last hits and they not focusing on me if there is a carry next to me. It's not mandatory if you play bounty but for me it makes the early game easier. :)
michimatsch (26) | March 23, 2015 3:55pm
You go with your carry?
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