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8 Votes

Sando's Guide to Jakiro

August 11, 2014 by Sando
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Sando (118) | March 7, 2016 3:38pm
I'd recommend this for Tide, still pretty close to how he's played in 6.86

Peppo's Guide
Sclipzer | March 6, 2016 12:59pm
Great guide. +1

You should make a tidehunter guide. There aren't very many "pro" guides of him. (Safecyn, you and other good guide makers.)
Sylfirus | August 13, 2014 8:26am
You can play Ice Path and blink. Blink is so powerful on Jak ! It's like Enigma or Earthshaker !
Fumbles16x (4) | August 12, 2014 9:24am
Hey, me again :p

I just realized while playing last night that Meepo is a great teammate for Jakiro. I was playing as Meepo and realized that I could use my nets to keep enemies in the Macropyre for the full duration. You probably need at least 3 Meepos for it to be effective, but you can effectively trap several enemies, especially if they're bunched up. Not to mention the huge AoE damage boost from Poof. With 5 nets and the full duration from each, you get better results than from a Chronosphere.
Bunkansee (32) | August 11, 2014 9:01am
Sando wrote:

You've really gotta be pretty good

That step is already completed :p
Sando (118) | August 11, 2014 8:36am
CM was actually in the meta a lot until she got her base intel nerf, just because her spells are so good in precision situations with good teamwork, and the slight jungling ability of Frostbite. You've really gotta be pretty good and with mates on comms to make her work well though.

Thanks Fumbles - I'll add Bat because that's a good call, and combined Firefly and Macropyre is quite tasty :). I'd agree he's quite under-rated because he's not the easiest hero to play (slow turn/cast times/manual targeting), and because his spells lack instant "ooomph", but they're deceptively strong - 50% attack speed slow is huge, and the total burn damage of all your spells is quite high given time.

Some mobility is quite useful on him for setting up better angles for your spells...I did consider including Blink Dagger but concluded it wasn't really worth the cost. It can get you instant better positioning for Ice Path/ Macropyre...but I'm not quite sure it's good enough due to only generally getting you an extra second or two of Macropyre time. Generally it won't work as an escape unless you're extremely quick, and the Force Staff has the advantage of improved stats/regen, plus general utility for escaping/helping team mates or forcing enemies into bad positions. You can't really initiate/gank well due to the slow casting speed and low duration of Ice Path.

I'll come up with something to keep writing Sofa...and much as I love Drums, they're not stand out on him - although you could still get them...not really "bad" on any hero ;)
TheSofa (54) | August 11, 2014 8:19am
I report Sando for 'guide spamming'

Why no Drum of Endurance? ;)

Seeing you have run out of heroes that you play, I suggest making guides on 'the laning phase' etc.

Keep up the good work, Sando!

Fumbles16x (4) | August 11, 2014 7:25am
Nice guide, Sando. Jakiro is actually very underrated, but highly effective.

I see that you have Force Staff but no Blink Dagger. Considering he's a 4-5 position, Force is usually better. However, if you have the cash then Blink offers a much more precise positioning ability. Force can only move you in a straight line, but Blink allows you to be anywhere within range. Ice Path is really good for closing choke points and locking in your opponents, which is best done when cast horizontally across the exit. If you're chasing from behind, Ice Path will just be a narrow beam that can easily be dodged. If you blink ahead and beside your opponents, you can easily cut them off with a wall of ice, either stunning them or turning them around. Forcing yourself into position can be a lot trickier, and you have to be much more aware of how far away you are from where you want to be.

I'll also note that Batrider is a great ally throughout the game. Early on he can help harass with his Sticky Napalm for some seriously devastating slows. Later on he can drag enemies through your Macropyre or straight into an Ice Path for you.
Bunkansee (32) | August 11, 2014 7:23am
Sando wrote:

I can play her reasonably well, but don't do so very often as I think there are a lot of other supports who can do her jobs better and easier - she's pretty awful as a pub support as she's so reliant on her team mates.

+ Some handy semi-jungling ability
- A hero like Sand King is much, much better at it

+ Good AOE slow/nuke and stun/nuke
- No true disable, damage is meh, mana cost is high

+ Mana sustain from Aura (and bit for team)
- Amount isn't great, heroes like Lion, Lich and Keeper of the Light much better sustain

+ Lots of damage potential from Ult
- Channelling, needs lots of equipment or great setup to make it work, generally doesn't.

- Slow as hell, squishy as hell, rubbish attack

Best solution to all of these problems:

Find 4 friends, pick Crystal, mid or feed, build crytsalys, euls, sange & yasha, boots of travel, heart of tarrasque. GG (jk)

Seriously though, I find her one of the best supports, but I really think she needs to be given a buff or something, that +10 movespeed would make all the difference. And there is nothing more satisfying than a solo ultra kill with your ult.

Although I agree, she is really squishy, really slow and her animation and base attack in general is ridiculous. Maybe she will get a buff and be in the new meta? :D
Sando (118) | August 11, 2014 6:47am
I can play her reasonably well, but don't do so very often as I think there are a lot of other supports who can do her jobs better and easier - she's pretty awful as a pub support as she's so reliant on her team mates.

+ Some handy semi-jungling ability
- A hero like Sand King is much, much better at it

+ Good AOE slow/nuke and stun/nuke
- No true disable, damage is meh, mana cost is high

+ Mana sustain from Aura (and bit for team)
- Amount isn't great, heroes like Lion, Lich and Keeper of the Light much better sustain

+ Lots of damage potential from Ult
- Channelling, needs lots of equipment or great setup to make it work, generally doesn't.

- Slow as hell, squishy as hell, rubbish attack
Bunkansee (32) | August 11, 2014 6:13am
Sando wrote:

Thanks man - glad you enjoy :). Unfortunately I'm pretty much out of heroes I can play well now, so gonna have to learn some new ones before doing many more guides :/.

I think you'll enjoy Jakiro after CM and Lina. He's really very tanky in comparison and his spells are much cheaper to run.

On that trilane, I'd probably swap out Jakiro for Rubick, 3 unreliable stuns isn't great. With Telekinesis as a setup, you can move an enemy past their creep line directly under a LSA, arrow hits a second later, and boom, dead.

How about learning cm and making a guide for her? I would like to see how the pros do it, unfortunately nobody seems to like cm, everyone I've talked to about her don't like her xP
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | August 11, 2014 5:50am
+ 1. The thing that always that pisses me of is the low cast range on Dual Breath.
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