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Sando's Guide to Elder Titan

July 25, 2014 by Sando
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Sando (118) | December 10, 2014 5:11am
Apologies for any confusion - I was trying to illustrate how Natural Order effects BASE armour, AFAIK ET's Spirit does NOT effect Marksmanship's status. The interaction is purely about Marksmanship deactivating when ET himself is nearby.
puppeteer | December 10, 2014 3:33am
I'm a bit confused about the description of Natural Order. You text seems to suggest that there is a difference whether the spirit or ET himself is nearby an enemy. But I cannot find any references for that in the ability's description. So why would Drow, in your scenario, lose her Markmanship agility if ET is nearby?
NealZa | September 22, 2014 12:45am
let me tell you how i play a pub titan, i rush soul ring and then go for tranquility boots, i spam the guys until they just desperately back off, those 2 items can be kept too middle game, basically you stay back, stunt the world wait your refresh and repeat.

if you get ganked and have 3 second to react, cast the ultimate to your path and run through it, don't try to stunt and you should have enough time to escape or to cast a tp scroll.

from middle game to end, i just go for a bloodstone, easy to build with quiet cheap items and this is in order to build your tanky role on late game... blade mail is added.

so to resume how the action take place:

1) cast your image then move it to the fight (do it from far away because you can move that image safely, you should not be visible)
2) Stunt ! look at the result, don't rush to ulti, if the ennemy react on time, just wait, even if your allies are dying there,6 sec later, stunt again !
3) ulti and DIVE IN if you are fare enough they wont have time to react ! find the good distance from them (3 sec distance walk)
4) now that you are in, they are slow, they are afraid, use your blade mail, your illusion is already back at you, you are strong, you are full HP and they have already cast everything at your allies, chase destroy hurt them !

This is for pubs i did not play this on ranked but the feeling of power when your ulti destroy them and you stand next to them with your blade mail is good
Thenickrick (1) | July 26, 2014 11:23am

Meh bro, not as good as the standard you set. Not that in depth or anything, more like a fast forward skill/item build.

1st, medallion is CORE. Can make laning epicly awful for melee enemies.

2nd, no carry titan build?

3rd, no mention of radiance being extremely bad on your team?

I'll wait for this guide to be updated. Doesnt look complete.

I rarely get medallion on him. I usually go mana boots and soul ring, which is more than enough mana for the rest of the game. His power doesn't really come from chasing enemies across the map, although he hits *Really* hard early game. His power is the ability to set up an easy win in a TF between his 5 second stun, and hp-based ultimate (Which I believe gets stronger if your aura is on the target?) Carry ET is pretty meh, you are better off building utility unless you really wreck the lane (assuming offlane), in which case i'd build a 20-25 minute AC MoM/Vlad's. As you can see even his carry build is still a utility based build.
Thenickrick (1) | July 26, 2014 11:23am

Meh bro, not as good as the standard you set. Not that in depth or anything, more like a fast forward skill/item build.

1st, medallion is CORE. Can make laning epicly awful for melee enemies.

2nd, no carry titan build?

3rd, no mention of radiance being extremely bad on your team?

I'll wait for this guide to be updated. Doesnt look complete.

I rarely get medallion on him. I usually go mana boots and soul ring, which is more than enough mana for the rest of the game. His power doesn't really come from chasing enemies across the map, although he hits *Really* hard early game. His power is the ability to set up an easy win in a TF between his 5 second stun, and hp-based ultimate (Which I believe gets stronger if your aura is on the target?) Carry ET is pretty meh, you are better off building utility unless you really wreck the lane (assuming offlane), in which case i'd build a 20-25 minute AC MoM/Vlad's. As you can see even his carry build is still a utility based build.
Sando (118) | July 25, 2014 5:55am
Yeah I read about the Boots of Travel thing - since you'd never really want (need?) to travel to your own spirit, seems pretty meh - but yeah, theoretically it could work for allies to get to you quickly if there are no nearby creeps around.

Will see what I can do about gameplay section...tbh that kind of thing is probably better as a video.

Unfortunately Cataclysm the spirit can only stay out for up to 8 seconds at a time, so no!
Cataclysm2146 (3) | July 25, 2014 4:02am
Could you, in theory, leave your spirit next to enemy rax for the first ~5min of the game after you hit 7, pull it back, and have hundreds of bonus damage?
FleetAU (16) | July 25, 2014 2:39am
I think you should add a gameplay section sando

Also funny trick: you can use boots of travel to tp on your spirit or other allied heroes can, can be useful when playing with tinker.
Sando (118) | July 25, 2014 2:07am
Hehe Aba, fair enough you did win that game fairly convincingly...still a pub thou :). While it worked there, I still think his "proper" role is the one described above, that's the way I play him anyway.

0440 - well, yes, and no. It depends on how likely you think there are to be early team fights, and whether you need your stun in lane, or for setups. I think your ult is too good to pass up at 6, it's cheap and effective. I'd be happy with a modified build that was squeezed a point in stun at 1, and a point in ult at 6, but otherwise maxed the other two ASAP. Of course, your team may have a particular strat based of the back of it, in which case fair enough.

Question about his ult - the damage is based around each INDIVIDUAL unit in the AOE - so a 4000 HP Centaur Warrunner would take far more damage than a 1000 HP Crystal Maiden in absolute terms.

4000 x 35% = 1400
1000 x 35% = 350
Timminatorr (57) | July 25, 2014 12:05am
Personally i like the 0440 build, or atleast somethibg close to it.

Also he is a pretty legit dagon hero, if you are having a good game and need to kill a hero really fast dagon can be amazing, the damage is pretty rediculous.

I dont think its core but a good situational item.
burnz0083 | July 24, 2014 4:35pm
Nice guide, I haven't played Elder Titan so can't comment on the skill or item builds but will definitely have to try after reading this. Really informative, thanks.

Just a question regarding Earth Splitter

Sends forth a jagged crack in front of Elder Titan. After 3 seconds, the crack implodes, slowing them while dealing damage based on the maximum life of units caught in the area.

Does this take into account the max HP of every unit in the area and deal damage to all units based on this or does it deal damage to individual units based on their own max HP
Seagull (9) | July 24, 2014 1:23pm
What do you think about the 0-4-4-0 skill build?
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