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Sand King, the naked Jungler.

August 11, 2014 by pepp
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Elbinac | August 12, 2014 7:42pm
Even with Golems there you can clear the rest of the spawns with a Sandstorm and eventually just kill the Golems normal style.

As for using Sandstorm on two camps, I'll need to play a few practice matchs to check the radius and creep pathing.
Mm the radius that actually does damage isn't big enough for two camps now.
I recall it working awhile ago though, maybe some patch.
Or I could be misremembering.
pepp | August 12, 2014 11:15am
Thanks for your answer! Well yes, stacking creeps is important for Sand King.
Well yes, pulling the stacked small camp is often useful, but in the game in which i play is pretty situational. I see often enemy players push the lane insanely so one pull is often enough for creeps to hit my tower (ehm no, not a stacked one :D).
Although I agree with you, you can swap your sand storming with pulling your creeps that can be useful.

I usually don't stack medium camp because of the Immune-Neutrals. The Hard camp has the priority becouse you can clear hit with no problems.

I don't know the positions to hit 2 camps with sand storm, but that is interesting. Can you tell me more? :D

Elbinac | August 11, 2014 2:18pm
Wouldn't you usually want to stack the small camp for lane pulling and stack medium/large for farm?
Or XP off lane until you have a couple points in Sandstorm to quickly clear your stacked camps?
I forget the exact radius but I think you can position on both radiant and dire side at certain camps to hit both?
Granted creeps would run out of storm for some of it, but farming multiple stacked camps that way should still work out, yeah?
pepp | August 11, 2014 12:06pm
Ok, updated folks. I'll wait next opinions/suggestions :)
pepp | August 11, 2014 11:26am
Hello everyone. I am very sorry i did not see the error of the skill build (im gonna correct it).

F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

But I prefer Sand King mid with maxed Burrow Strike and Caustic Final

Mid would be very good. But the bottle and the stat items you will need for mid-lane will slow the Blink Dagger! ( and when the mid will call miss-mid you probably can have hard time to hit with your Epicenter.

Thanks for this link, I needed it. I will check this out.

KKND wrote:

I tend to feel that you have to hit the jungle only once you have 2 lvls in Sandstorm, otherwise it is quite a slow process...

Yea right, lvl 1 Sand Storm is not the best. But I think that when Sand King will reach level 3 all gets more and more faster.
I usually don't see an underlevel problem with this build, until now :D
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | August 8, 2014 12:08pm
I think you need to change Sand Storm leveling up, probably you got confused when you where giving points. I personally don't like Sand King jungle. I agree on the build maxing Burrowstrike and Sand Storm for jungling and getting a fast Blink Dagger. But I prefer Sand King mid with maxed Burrow Strike and Caustic Final. Although the item build is good.
TheSofa (54) | August 8, 2014 11:46am
See Dr. D's guide to formatting

I recommend proof-reading, or kindly asking another DotaFIRE member to edit. (Thanks, Bunkansee)
CoticS | August 8, 2014 6:55am
Lets say you get 30g per creep 3 creeps at a time. so that is 90g from creeps(per min, at easy camp) + the 100g unreliable gold per min. You can by your blink at 11min. That is a really fast Blink.
KKND | August 8, 2014 4:45am
I tend to feel that you have to hit the jungle only once you have 2 lvls in Sandstorm, otherwise it is quite a slow process...
Sando (118) | August 8, 2014 2:37am
You can explain there is a problem without resorting to insults, this is friendly site, please be a bit more tactful. Thanks.
Cataclysm2146 (3) | August 7, 2014 8:39pm
You've gotta read your own guides bro. That way you know if you have seven points in one skill and put the conclusion at the front.
Eon_Theory (2) | August 7, 2014 8:36pm
There is one thing I have to say, SAND STORM CAN'T BE UPGRADED 7 TIMES! Also, If you don't think you should max Caustic Finale you are so entirely wrong, If I have to explain if you are stupid.
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