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Sand King (Support)

March 3, 2014 by FohShizzle
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Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 3, 2014 7:03pm
Well, I guess you can justify the lack of Caustic Finale, but I think maxing out Sand Storm is more than preference. Seriously, a 10 second cooldown on an ability that makes you avoid stuns and potentially save your like is very handy.

As for the Blink Dagger before Arcane Boots, I think you should emphasize it more: as I said in the other post a 15 minute Dagger can reallty change things; if by that time you're stuck with Arcanes and a bunch of gold, you're not gonna do as much in teamfights.

Lastly, Sand King's STR growth isn't that bad, actually: many popular Heroes like Alchemist, Lifestealer, Tusk, Timbersaw, Bristleback and Elder Titan have less HP in the mid game without items.

It's overall a pretty good guide: the only "big" concerns, for me, are the Blink after Arcanes and the lack of a level 4 Sand Storm, but many people might agree with your build. I'm not going to vote this for now.
FohShizzle | March 3, 2014 2:43pm

Just some tips from the 6.80 patch:

Arcane Boots aren't needed on Sand King anymore, not before the Blink Dagger at least: now what the Dagger doesn't have a mana cost, you'll always have enough mana to use Epicenter and Burrowstrike in the same teamfight. The Arcanes delay your core too much, and an SK without a Blink is a really bad initiator because of the very low range of Burrowstrike. I usually go Boots --> Magic Stick --> Blink --> Arcanes.

Also, you should talk about semi-jungling. After the 6.80 patch the AoE of Sand Storm has become huge even from level 1: you can basically stack a big/medium camp and farm it with a Sand Storm, especially if you put a second point in it by level 3. On paper, you can get a Blink Dagger by less than 15 minutes if doing so.
This is a very handy feature, especially because there are very little supports that can semi-jungle ( Crystal Maiden, Keeper of the Light, Ancient Apparition...) and most of them aren't good at ganking, but it's more suited towards trilanes and not dual lanes in pubs with people you don't know.

Lastly, I don't agree with the skill build: Caustic Finale is a very strong spell for pushing and flash farming in the later stages of the game (plus it adds some damage in teamfights, sometimes); hitting an enemy with it twice deals much more damage than a regular nuke. A level 4 Sand Storm is also very annoying if you go Epicenter --> Blink Dagger --> Burrowstrike --> Sand Storm (100 DPS is huge), and you also need to set its cooldown to 10 as soon as possible so that you can disjoint projectiles and still be able to use it when the enemies throw other stuns.

The items are fine though, you're missing out the Scythe of Vyse but it's very difficult to farm. My favourite post-core item is the Veil of Discord: it costs much less than an Aghanim's Scepter but helps your teammates, too.

Firstly, I did note Blink Dagger can be bought before Arcane Boots. As for jungling Sand King, I have tried it out. It is relatively viable but I still feel Sand King would benefit the team far more by applying pressure to lanes. Still, I suppose jungling SK may be worth a mention. I still strongly feel that caustic finale has no place on support Sand King unless it is a point or two and SK already has a couple level of stats. Sand King has mediocre stat gain and can greatly benefit from the extra stats instead of Caustic Finale, at least when supporting. For Sand Storm, I believe it is a preference for whether to level it up past 2 or not. The fact of the matter is, by level nine, when Sand Storm would be maxed, the enemy probably has realized to carry detection by then. Sand Storm has several uses early but does very little against a team with detection.. And for Scythe of Vyse, it probably deserves a mention but has a rather awkward build path for Sand King and incredibly expensive for a support.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 3, 2014 11:36am
Just some tips from the 6.80 patch:

Arcane Boots aren't needed on Sand King anymore, not before the Blink Dagger at least: now what the Dagger doesn't have a mana cost, you'll always have enough mana to use Epicenter and Burrowstrike in the same teamfight. The Arcanes delay your core too much, and an SK without a Blink is a really bad initiator because of the very low range of Burrowstrike. I usually go Boots --> Magic Stick --> Blink --> Arcanes.

Also, you should talk about semi-jungling. After the 6.80 patch the AoE of Sand Storm has become huge even from level 1: you can basically stack a big/medium camp and farm it with a Sand Storm, especially if you put a second point in it by level 3. On paper, you can get a Blink Dagger by less than 15 minutes if doing so.
This is a very handy feature, especially because there are very little supports that can semi-jungle ( Crystal Maiden, Keeper of the Light, Ancient Apparition...) and most of them aren't good at ganking, but it's more suited towards trilanes and not dual lanes in pubs with people you don't know.

Lastly, I don't agree with the skill build: Caustic Finale is a very strong spell for pushing and flash farming in the later stages of the game (plus it adds some damage in teamfights, sometimes); hitting an enemy with it twice deals much more damage than a regular nuke. A level 4 Sand Storm is also very annoying if you go Epicenter --> Blink Dagger --> Burrowstrike --> Sand Storm (100 DPS is huge), and you also need to set its cooldown to 10 as soon as possible so that you can disjoint projectiles and still be able to use it when the enemies throw other stuns.

The items are fine though, you're missing out the Scythe of Vyse but it's very difficult to farm. My favourite post-core item is the Veil of Discord: it costs much less than an Aghanim's Scepter but helps your teammates, too.
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