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9 Votes

Rylai the Crystal Maiden, Master of The Frozen Arts (Updated for 7.00/7.01)

January 13, 2017 by Da Boss TM
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Da Boss TM | January 9, 2017 5:49am
@CraftFire: Thank you so much for your support. Happy you got your first rampage.
@TournamentHero: Thanks for your support too. Hope I win!!!
@Vapor24: Thank you for your feedback. I have edited the guide. Pls dun use language in a public chat. Thx!
@ChiChi: Thanks for your helpful critique. I have edited the guide. I don't really think that 200hp is going to be useful though. As for the force staff, I think it would be better if I just blinked in, Frostbite the enemy and let my carry catch up. Your critique was very useful though. Especially the Glimmer Cape. Maybe we should play together some time. I also loved your reply format.
@Keep Calm and Feed: Thanks for adding on! I would like to tell everyone that my guide is for an aggresive Crystal Maiden as this allows for better harassing and stuff like that.
ChiChi (47) | January 9, 2017 10:33am
No problem mate, sure! There's some different playstyles you can adopt with the hero for sure, not set in stone. But mostly it's played as a position 5 hero, which has some huge drawbacks regarding the money you have available for yourself and how you choose to spend it. Cheers
ChiChi (47) | January 8, 2017 3:33pm
Hey DaBoss! Your personal presentation almost scares people off of disagreeing with you, but as someone that also loves our Princess of Ice (500 games with her) I'm deeply sorry but I've got to come in barging ^^

First: Your skill build makes no sense, especially in higher leveled games. The build that is the most common in higher level games and competitive right now is:
Frostbite -> Arcane Aura -> Crystal Nova/ Arcane Aura (depending on whether or not you're more active roaming) -> then max either Crystal Nova or Frostbite depending on whether you need the root specifically or not, and getting Freezing Field at the regular levels.

Why is this? Because the mana regen at level 2 is considered the ideal one to have for you and your teammates throughout the early and mid game, while having the ability you need the most maxed asap is always more efficient than having two points in each (so instead of having a strong maxed ability you have two underwhelming level 2 ones). And this happens to your entire build, where it seems you're taking ability points at random.

Now for the talents: Disagree strongly with your option for the two first ones, or at least the fact that you don't consider them as flexible as they should be. 15% magical resistance is exactly the amount given by a Glimmer Cape (very common item on CM), and yet you say it is "not too helpful". Well, it really depends on the game, and if you're facing heavy magic dealers or not. If you're against the likes of a, let's say, Sand King, the extra magical resistance can help you survive, as opposed to having +50 damage on your right clicks, which is mostly useless - pleasant, but useless, if you're playing your supporting role right. Same goes for the next talent, choosing between cast range or health is not only a question of personal style but also of your specific needs in a game. I don't agree that it scales badly in the game since CM is such a squishy hero that mostly doesn't get HP items, and having that extra +200 can many times be the difference between surviving or not that nuke.

Finally: the item build. I agree whole heartily with the early game one, but seriously: you're not gonna get an Aghanim's Scepter at an appropriate timing or you'll never be able to channel your ultimate adequately to make it be your first main item in the game. Aghs is useless if you can't channel your ultimate/if your enemies have ways around it or BKBs already up, so its sole purpose on CM is to be bought in the late game in situations where you see you can channel the ability enough to make it worth it. In the early game you should focus on mobility ( Blink Dagger as you said indeed, but also Force Staff, one of the best CM items that is absent on your guide), survivability (in this new meta, stuff like Drum's of Endurance goes a long way) and helping your cores thrive (stuff like Glimmer Cape, also absent from your guide). Items like Aether Lens are good purchases if gotten early, but Mekansm is just one of them no-no items on CM, that quickly show the difference between a 2k players and a higher player: CM doesn't have the mana pool nor the survivibility needed to make good use of one, so never purchase it.

These are my main points of disagreement with your guide so that you can reflect on this and talk to me more if you're interested! There's other little things like "to escape and also to push lanes" (when its main use should be to TP in towers to help your cores when they are being ganked), but you'll get these in time :)

Good luck with your games and keep improving! My advice to you: check out the recent ESL 1 tournament where there were a lot of CM picks from different teams for you to see how the best players do with her:

KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 8, 2017 8:54pm
You k ow talents with CM is subjective aside from the root talent at level 25 if it's late game . Or unless you went carry maiden.

You can't simply put one or the other first without justifying the play style. With a certain play style.whivh is greedier than usual, it works. His build I mean.

So while agree with you ChiChi I would say we should aim at asking him about the play style he is advocating and then use our faculties to inquire into the logics.

I do feel sometimes when you are dead as a CM, you are dead . 200 hp or magic resist won't help you in those situations.

On skill build I think one point in Q is a must because unless the enemy is. REEEtard, he will back off while you saunter over to him. You need the slow from the Nova.
Dimonychan (43) | January 9, 2017 6:24am

You can't simply put one or the other first without justifying the play style. With a certain play style.whivh is greedier than usual, it works. His build I mean.

Yes you can. All of CM's talent except the first are an obvious choice for the left one. At level 10 you either get +50 damage if you get lv10 early enough, or get magic resistance at level 14.
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Vapor24 (1) | January 6, 2017 5:18pm
Your skill build is really bad i must say. i heard purge ***** for like 5 minutes about how bad it is to not level arcane aura after frostbite because cm's base mana is absolute DOG**** and you cant cast both spells and that only 1% of the time u may want to get crystal nova lvl 2 if u think u need it more than frostbite and it will mean a kill or not.
TournamentHero | January 4, 2017 5:25am
One of the Best Guides Ever. Good Luck with the 7.00 Update Competition Bro. I really gained alot of Knowledge from this Easy-To-Read but Thorough Guide. I Used to Suck at Crystal Maiden but now I feel like nothing can Stop me!!! Thx Alot Man. Hope you Win!!!
CraftFire | January 4, 2017 5:17am
holy ****!!! awesomeeeee guide. my first rampage by freezing field. op ult! owe it all to u brooooo!!! hope u win whatever competition it is. TTTTTHHHHHXXXXX
btw wanna play sometime?
Da Boss TM | January 2, 2017 2:04am
Thanks for reading guys. Please give a thumbs up and a comment. By giving me a thumbs up or commenting, you will get points for a competition (
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