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6 Votes

Run like the Wind

November 20, 2012 by BigBroBacon
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Champigne | November 26, 2012 10:02pm
Why no starting items?
OneHalf (10) | November 23, 2012 7:10pm
I hope I never get put with a Windrunner in my team that doesn't skill Shackleshot early.
BigBroBacon | November 22, 2012 6:12am
I upgrade the Mask later on, usually. As I generally use Windrunner to Push and harass, I don't really aim to kill so early. Although I have had some good games where I've gotten 5 kills in ten minutes, or double kills early game.

I don't underestimate Shackleshot in a gank or its use as a disable. However, I choose not to because I can't find a proper use for it in my style early on. Without the damage bonus afforded by other items, the 3.75 max stun a shackle gives can't be used properly without a powerful lane partner or a nuker.

I don't use windrun simply as an escape. Again, especially early game where nukes can drain an opponents mana so easily, I often use it to get ahead in a 1v1 (bar creeps) situation.

However this is only a rough guide to my build in a majority of games. I've had to adapt to certain situations where skilling my Shackleshot instead of Windrun was more profitable.

People don't often use Aghanims because of the high gold cost of other items that would maximize its use. And that's fine. That's completely logical. The argument about the Lyralei's mana pool was excellent, but in my experience, it rarely, if ever, gets low enough that I can't use my ult.
OneHalf (10) | November 21, 2012 7:55pm
Doesn't skill Shackleshot till level ~9
We're done here :) -1
Wulfstan (77) | November 21, 2012 11:36am
If going semi-carry though,you could grab an Mjollnir or Desolator.The Mjollnir procs so many times in ult that it might out-DPS the crit.
Vash (10) | November 21, 2012 8:42am
I personally don't pick up a Scepter at all when I play Wind. The pros you get out of such a purchase are not worth the gold price unless you are planning on carrying or if you have a large mana pool to draw on (Windrunner's ult is very mana consuming). Scythe of Vyse is only 1000-ish more gold and gives way more harassing power then a Scepter.

Also, you're underestimating Shackleshot early game. The stun time is critical for your character's job as a disabler. Grabbing one skill of Windrun should suffice if you are only using it as an escape measure.
Allegiance (9) | November 20, 2012 11:51pm
I would not add "easy to use skills" to pros. Because they aren't. Against decent players you will have to play mindgames and aticipate the enemies movement to get off nice shackles and powershots.

Getting Aghanims before some other DPS items is really not a good idea, cause it only (really) improves your ult after you got some DPS stuff.

If you want a stun, get MKB, the Mini-Stun will procc 24/7 when using your ult. I'm not even sure if basher works before you get agha.

You also should get an early point in shackle.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 20, 2012 11:22pm
Nice job on writing the guide, I like Orchid on Windrunner!

But please explain to me why you need the Lifesteal Mask? You don't even upgrade it, so I see no point into getting it, you don't need lifesteal like that anyways, I'd get a Mask of Madness truly, but even that is a bad choice. Also, I don't think getting Basher would help Windrunner at all. It's 25% for melee, and that is worth it. , for that price. But for Ranged heroes (WINDRUNNER!) it is only 10%. Good luck getting that to proc in ganks. I just don't think highly of Basher often on Ranged heroes.
Instead of that current skill build, why not get 1 point into Windrun at lvl 1, and leave it at that. Then proceed to max Shackle and Powershot, the ulti at 9, 10. Then you skill into Windrun. I just can't leave out Shackle like that. If helps a tonne in ganking and chasing, or initiating.

Anyway, reply to this, I just +1 :)'ed
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