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Rubick Cubed (The Side-Lane Support)

August 8, 2012 by Azazodia#267007
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Sarcy (27) | August 10, 2012 4:04pm
IPwndU wrote:

I read 2 months ago that if you Morph all your agi into str, you will keep the str gain after dying / stealing another spell. I also heard Brood's webs remain forever even after stealing another spell. Has it been fixed ? (I can not launch the game to test it, thx for your answers :D)

This is confirmed and intended the Morph anyway not sure about spiderweb.
IPwndU (1) | August 10, 2012 3:44pm
I read 2 months ago that if you Morph all your agi into str, you will keep the str gain after dying / stealing another spell. I also heard Brood's webs remain forever even after stealing another spell. Has it been fixed ? (I can not launch the game to test it, thx for your answers :D)
Admiral Chocobos (1) | August 10, 2012 8:22am
Here, I found a good video of some of the Ultimate's that Rubick can steal and their usefulness.

Sometimes the spells Rubick steals are so hilarious. For example Huskars ultimate or Lycans (turns him into a ranged attacking wolf instead of melee)
Rubick can even use Broods webs against her, giving the same helpful mana/health regen and invisibility if hes in the web. The possibility's are endless with Rubick cause hes so awesome!

Hope that video helped somewhat, and good luck! I'll be looking forward to seeing what interesting Ultimates you find to help the team.
Azazodia#267007 | August 8, 2012 2:33am
I tried something i little different and it will be refecled in the skill build, as i think it's the best of both worlds.
i still get to 6 the same way, getting 2 points in tele. w in fade, 1 in null, then after i max w>e>q. and i think that provides q with enough disable to be super effective, as well as adding tankiness to your partner.

again, this will be reflected in the skill build as soon i am not the most lazy person on the planet.

Thank you very much! *high fives back*
i did not forget about null field, i just under utilized it. learning experience. :) it is a huge bonus and i over looked the OP-ness of it.

Im gonna try to get a section on useful spells to steal, and what champ they belong too.
i.e. Omniknight, he ults, you steal it, ult back. full teamfight pause, cause no one does any dmg to each other. if anyone knows where a list like this already exists, let me know. if not, i just have to put the legwork in and write one myself. :( and as stated im lazy. :P
Admiral Chocobos (1) | August 7, 2012 10:33pm
Not a bad build at all! You also showed how versatile Rubick is to helping his team out. Though you did kinda forget about Rubicks passive ability that decreases spell damage (Null Field). That can sometimes be a Huge help for your allies. I did read what you said about Null Field so I'll lay off :P

Just remember that Rubick is a jack-of-all-trades, that is with the right spell he stole. But In all good job making this guide. *gives you a high-five*
jaslam (21) | August 7, 2012 3:43am
I agree with your thoughts, the chances are your 300-350 gpm is coming from the late game, when you burst down waves and get assists for kills.

Your first skills also last longer - so it takes an extra second before you stun another hero. I would get extra levels of the first skill to prevent blinkers from escape like AM.

I disagree with your thoughts on the burst damage. By level 7-10, 3v3 and team fight skirmishes will start, and that's where there will be a lot of burst damage flying around. Null field is an insane skill.. try it..
Azazodia#267007 | August 7, 2012 2:35am
I Apologize, i made the mistake of not including wards because i assumed that if you play support. you get them. :P. that will be fixed.

Also the reason i don't max null field until later is because as a side lane, you dont have to deal with the type of spell dmg huge mid lane nuke can do as often, and that extra bit is more then enough to save a carry. i tried maxing null second and i found to a high dmg carry, and for when a mid/jungle is ganking, i find Suppression to be way more of a utility. why negate dmg when you can prevent it.

With regards to blink dagger, while that does help me, it doesn't help the team. i can find a better way to spend 2150 then an item that you can't build into, and doesn't build into anything.

force staff is nice, but again, i think you get the same benefits from q as you do the activated ability of force staff. and i don't agree with building int > surviability and utlity

The power of my ulti isn't that i make it powerful, the power of Rubicks ulti is that he donest need to be fed or stat'd up for it to be potent.

I dont know what average gold per minute for a support is, but with getting a creep here and there, and getting assists over the course of a game i average 320-380. compared to the 450-500 of my carries. the core build is 3k. which isn't much. and it leaves plenty of money for wards at every back.

That being said, every game is situational, but i feel that with Rubicks Kit, he isn't item dependant at all. which is why i build tanky so that i can support for longer in fights. :)

i will however give that item/skill build a try and get back to you. :P
jaslam (21) | August 7, 2012 2:06am
if you're sidelane support, you won't have money for these items, so I'm not sure what you are trying to get at with 350g per minute. It's not possible as a support hero, unless you are getting creeps.

Every hero has 25% base magic resistance, making your null field OP. 1 level of Telekinesis will do, max Fade Bolt and then max null field you and your teams survivability will go up drastically. don't forget the physical dmg reduction from fadebolt.
Your item build is ok, but you lack the power of your ulti - consider getting blink dagger or force staff, in order to use your ulti more effectively.

I don't like guides which make farming look easy 'o and once you have your 4.5k for bloodstone buy it, while buying wards, tp's, tango's etc. Know your role, your place in the team lineup, and just do it while assuming you are broke. (unless you are the carry)
wilddeonpwn (102) | August 7, 2012 2:01am
HOLY MOLY DotaBawss' random guide wasMINE! I feel special :3

THANK YOU DotaBawss!

Share your ideas on my Blog!

I guess I have to keep the tradition going with DotaBawss and Huskarian so...

Azazodia#267007 | August 7, 2012 1:52am
I appreciate the insight, i was questioning the hyperlink thing as i wrote it, ill take it out. :)
y'all seem knowledgeable, if i wanted to add pictures of the items, because it's just as annoying for me to write every item as it is for you to read every item, but i have no idea how to do that.

Colors will be added, that was always the plan, i just wanted to hash out a the text before i went in and cleaned it up.

Thank you for your comments btw they are helpful!!!!! :)
Huskarian (1) | August 7, 2012 1:40am
This is pretty confusing to read and I agree 100% with DotaBawss, the Hyperlink thing wasn't cool and add some colour.
DotaBawss (1) | August 7, 2012 1:28am
Azazodia:Soooo, I drew inspiration for this guide from Lucaristar and his excellent Rubick guide
Link is here ----> OMG ITS A HYPERLINK!

You don't have to share every single guide he makes, and let alone your "inspirational" one. It's practically the same as going
Also you don't have to but try to add some color to your guide. Colorful is always more fun :)
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