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2 Votes

Rotten Sashimi. The guide to Pudge AND COUNTERS(6.83)

December 23, 2014 by TheNoobyChocobo
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kkoopman3 (28) | May 13, 2015 8:44pm
I like the guide, but it's a bit simplistic. Doesn't delve into deeper things like hooking spots, teamfighting with Pudge, itemizing for scenarios (not as much as I'd like at least). I also dislike getting a Hood of Defiance first item. need that mobility item first (blink/force staff)
TheNoobyChocobo (1) | May 9, 2015 2:06pm
Like Unscathed said it doesn't. Now its fixed. Now pudge hook is more broken. Yay
Unscathed (47) | December 23, 2014 6:26pm

Im a little disappointed, u said pudge'[s hook doesn't damage spell immune units like jug on 1st skill but it does.. it does deal damage even if ur bkb is on.

No it doesnt. It will pull the target but wont deal damage.
aashay2009aashay | December 23, 2014 6:11pm
Im a little disappointed, u said pudge'[s hook doesn't damage spell immune units like jug on 1st skill but it does.. it does deal damage even if ur bkb is on.
wangyuphing (9) | December 19, 2014 4:24am
TheNoobyChocobo (1) | December 19, 2014 1:58am
Yay thanks for all the comments!
As it turns out, just a day after this pudge guide was written for the first time I bought tranquil's on Pudge. And bought nothing else ever since. I am proud to say that my hooking has improved, hooray!
This really is a horribly ungly guide, I'll try reformatting them during 2015 after I learn some new stuff. Until then I'm off to Korea, merry christmas **** lords!
Daethlock | October 13, 2014 10:52pm
SemiViral wrote:

I hate Pudge. Therefore I hate you (not really). But without a good support, it's sooooo difficult to counter Pudge. You gotta add a piece, 'How to Counter', because a lot of people simply don't know how. They don't realize that if their support kept up good wards(I know this is true, because every time I support against a Pudge I always keep wards off c/d and he hardly reaches over 3k HP), he'd be absolutely useless, because you'd always know where he is.

Even with wards, smoke goes through their vision (being that they are invis until near a hero or tower) and the pudge will still be able to gank and roam about. I am not saying wards will not do anything, or that they are bad. Just because pudge was not seen by the ward, does not mean hes not there.

Also to note, here are a few more things I felt this guide was lacking in (not trying to be rude, just trying to help)

1 You mention soul ring, and while that can be effective in its use, you also leave out tranquils, and instead recommend several things that are good, but not solutions to the health issue (travels, phase, arcanes)
2 another thing is that although you do have smoke in the item build, you don't talk about it in he guide much, such as where to use it, when to buy/use, etc..
3 The 6.82 update increase how long it took for Pudge to turn around thus try blinking directly I front so you can blink instantly.


"Pudge �Turn Rate improved from 0.5 to 0.7" -

4 blaidmail, it isn't mentioned even though it is one of the best items against glass cannons (lina, sniper, skywrath) as lots of glass cannons wont commonly get bkb.
5 although not an extreamly common item on pudge, euls is a very helpful item, especially for new pudge players. it provides 40 movespeed to help with his 285 base, and most people don't know that aside from disabling the person, euls can be used on an enemy, and then hooked out of the cyclone for no dmg (allowing for free hooks).

That's all I saw for now.
SemiViral | October 10, 2014 6:17am
I hate Pudge. Therefore I hate you (not really). But without a good support, it's sooooo difficult to counter Pudge. You gotta add a piece, 'How to Counter', because a lot of people simply don't know how. They don't realize that if their support kept up good wards(I know this is true, because every time I support against a Pudge I always keep wards off c/d and he hardly reaches over 3k HP), he'd be absolutely useless, because you'd always know where he is.

Here's a guide to help out your formatting, though: Dr. D's Guide to Formatting.

Otherwise, the guide is pretty good. I agree with Smuggles, though. There's a lot of potential to add information on his advanced tactics, as every hero has some, ways to juke around, counter more heroes, etc. You gotta stand out with a guide on a hero like Pudge, so try to do that :)
MrLocket (16) | October 10, 2014 1:53am
Great guide, great help for newbie, somehow I'm disagree with your item build, why no +armor item? Pudge has ****ty armor, althought he is very tanky against nukes but let's say, you are Dismember-ing a lone hero and suddenly Clinkz or Riki pop out and put you down before you could kill your target, especially when it's late game while most of the right-click heroes have decent right-click damage. Shiva's Guard is a great choice for luxury when you can no longer kill any hero with your combo and forced to jump into teamfight and tank damage for your team, plus the mana and slows provided is very nice.

Also Pudge should provide wards for the team and deward too, since people will expect you hiding in wood and decent player will ward on important spot. You are waiting your prey getting out of position without realising people are gathering to "eat" you.

And no matter how hard Pudge have snowball-ed, he still can't carry the game. Only things he get from snowballing are tankiness, and perhaps a few extra right-click damage, since Pudge is not a right-click hero, so in late game pudge will have to focus on tanking for team and carry items that helps his teamfight, Shiva's Guard, Assault Cuirass ( the self attack speed bonus is kinda wasted ), or even Vladmir's Offering.
srawesomeguy | October 9, 2014 11:23pm
First of all, i love Pudge :) Great guide

The formatting could be better and more tactics could be explained (e.g. hook spots)

Also, i usually prefer tranquils instead as the damage u take from rot early on can be instantly healed by hiding a bit (and while ur hiding u can hook as well) rot slows enemy heroes enough and most of pudges damage comes from his spells anyway.

Overall a great guide for beginner players but u shld add some extra tips if its for more advanced players.

But most important of all, its about Pudge! :D

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