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6 Votes

Rot starts at the head - a Carry Necro Guide

December 6, 2012 by MagnumMoustache
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dark_fire | February 1, 2013 12:13am
now that i've played necro a lot more from the time i last commented here i feel better at giving my view on your guild.

i think bloodstone is not needed when your maxing sadist anyway. I personally believe its only worth it get bloodstone if you skip sadist completely and max the aura instead.

Also put eye of skadi, and refresher in luxuries list. eye of skadi is good for kiting enemies with phase or boots of travel. refresher works cuz he gets full mana from sadist anywnay after a kill. why not use that full mana for another kill. he'll have full mana with blood stone anyway, so refresher works with bloodstone and no sadist as well. this is ultra lategame luxaries though.

and i still stand against hades comment on getting a scepter still. it doesn't reduce the cooldown and only increases damage. not worth it.
dark_fire | January 18, 2013 3:04pm
CNP9 wrote:

yeah he's right now gives hp and mana regen it's really good and it's really really good when u get the kill that way u get all the mana basically and hp a lot it's like bloodseeker but in a few more seconds

ok got it. i'm actually liking necro now cuz of that sadist ability. no need to go back to fountain!!! lol
Mrs Warboys (10) | January 5, 2013 3:10am
Necro is a semi-carry like a Storm Spirit or Death Prophet. But he carries in an unusual way. He carries by being a walking fountain that never dies, not through dealing huge amounts of damage (although he does that naturally just by standing around and spamming Q). That's why Mekansm is so important on him. It gives him another heal and great survivability.

Like Storm or DP, he focuses on 1 thing after his core... Mana Regen. If he can spam his skills permanently then he's definitely capable of carrying in the mid game. After his Mana Regen is sorted, he needs survivability and utility to stay relevant. Shiva's Guard is my usual go-to item because of the survivability, the mana regen and its great active.

I have no idea why you would ever get Scepter on him. There are SOOO many better items that give him what he needs (regen, survivability). That's a response to Hades and Wildeonpwn
CNP9 (1) | December 9, 2012 1:24pm
dark_fire wrote:

Something is confusing me because of what you wrote in your guild. Please clarify.

You stated in the skill build section that at level 1, pick up Sadist if your facing "physical" harrass. Also, you stated in the Skill section that Sadist gives hp regen over time (if you kill a creeps of course).

Now, I've looked at the Sadist skill explanation in the system and it states nothing about hp regen. It only states mana replenishment for creep kills and hero kills.

Personally, I don't think it gives any hp regen either. Maybe you might have mistaken a really old version of dota.

Please fix it in your guild. Thank you.

yeah he's right now gives hp and mana regen it's really good and it's really really good when u get the kill that way u get all the mana basically and hp a lot it's like bloodseeker but in a few more seconds
MagnumMoustache | December 6, 2012 6:01am
dark_fire wrote:

Something is confusing me because of what you wrote in your guild. Please clarify.

You stated in the skill build section that at level 1, pick up Sadist if your facing "physical" harrass. Also, you stated in the Skill section that Sadist gives hp regen over time (if you kill a creeps of course).

Now, I've looked at the Sadist skill explanation in the system and it states nothing about hp regen. It only states mana replenishment for creep kills and hero kills.

Personally, I don't think it gives any hp regen either. Maybe you might have mistaken a really old version of dota.

Please fix it in your guild. Thank you.

Sadist got reworked in the 6.75 patch. In older versions it just instantly replenished mana when killing units. After the patch, it started giving both HP AND mana regen. Apparently, the system didn't update after the patch.
dark_fire | December 6, 2012 4:36am
Something is confusing me because of what you wrote in your guild. Please clarify.

You stated in the skill build section that at level 1, pick up Sadist if your facing "physical" harrass. Also, you stated in the Skill section that Sadist gives hp regen over time (if you kill a creeps of course).

Now, I've looked at the Sadist skill explanation in the system and it states nothing about hp regen. It only states mana replenishment for creep kills and hero kills.

Personally, I don't think it gives any hp regen either. Maybe you might have mistaken a really old version of dota.

Please fix it in your guild. Thank you.
dark_fire | December 5, 2012 10:21pm

I've played necro sometimes, and from what I've experience with him, his main goal in fights is to stay alive. You can think of it as, "the longer you stays alive, the more damage you deal." Necro is the tanky semi-carry.

Some guys said Mekansm is not a carry item. Let me ask, then why does meepo get it?

To stay alive!!!

The more time u stay alive, more time you get to farm and earn gold. Ok? Don't skip Mekansm unless someone else has it. If that is the case, consider getting a Vladmir's Offering to help in pushs, and also help your melee carry to lifesteal. (situational)

Rushing Mekansm serves other purposes as well. If you get it by the 13 min mark, get your team together and push. When you have enough creeps on the enemy tower, use mekansm on creeps. It really helps with destroying towers and/or rax. (which is the whole point of the game!!!)

Now also remember, he's not really a carry (as in chasing and hunting), but he's an anti-carry. He's great for countering a tanky Alchemist, tanky Viper, tanky Spectre, etc. Another hero that comes to mind that is more of an anti-carry is Razor. Razor steals the carry's damage and uses it for himself.

Well, what i'm trying to say is that Mekansm is a great item on him, and he is not a support (so farm and don't ward with him haha). Only intended for other complaining about the mekansm build on him. Not the guild author.

Now, as for why he's not played competitively in dota 2 much is maybe because he is very situational (like Pugna). He is only ever gonna be picked to counter the enemy's carry, and even then you'll think, "Wait, should i pick him?" On top of that, its hard to lane him in a draft. Putting him in the solo hard lane is questionable, and giving the whole safe lane to him is weird cuz the hard carry should be there. He's not a good jungler, and that leaves only mid. Mid is more for the ganking roles, well ganking can work. But he has no disables other than his ult. hmm...

The other suggestion above in the comments where that he should get Aghanim's Scepter. The question to ask here is -- "Are you already ahead of the game? Is your ultimate paying off?"

If yes, sure get it. If no, trash that idea and build your foundation better to win the game. Get a serious late-game item like Shiva's Guard, or Heart of Tarrasque to guarentee no deaths.
Blademail, Pipe of Insight, Veil of Discord or even a Assault Cuirass is better than an Aghanim's Scepter which upgrades your single target ultimate. With aghanim's you'll basically become a Lion who can kill 1 guy some times. In my view its better to help your team secure wins by getting a pipe, shiva, etc so that ur team is taking less damage. It helps to push it and win the game.

Good guild. I'm looking forward to the other portions of the guild that are incomplete.
peace. +1 from me btw.
Sp12 (25) | December 5, 2012 4:22pm
Necrolyte gets picked in competitive dota semiregurally. You can check him out on dota academy -- he's more relevant than a lot of competitive heroes, especially in the chinese scene.

Some carries get Mekansm. Sure you need hard carry items (or really with Necrolyte, survivability items) but you also have to survive, and vanguard is almost always a worse option than mekansm, even moreso with ranged heroes. OD, Viper, Silencer, and Luna have all held Mekansm in high-level games.

Don't build aghanims basically. The stats are OK but you could get platemail+soul booster/shiva's/orchid/most of sheep or bloodstone for almost the same price, and the aghanims upgrade is terrible.

If you're in a less serious game you can play the four boots strat.
CNP9 (1) | December 5, 2012 4:05pm
if you have never seen a support necro somethings wrong i usually plays as a semi carry and support(both) and aghanis does makes him great i usually make aghanis and then bloodstone or guinsso (scythe of vise) but it's a good guide it's good to see u like necro, i love it :D
wilddeonpwn (102) | December 5, 2012 1:34pm
kkay wrote:

Lol, I wouldn't consider necro's main role to be even remotely support. He's pretty ****py as a support. Works best as a mid lane / solo side lane. I've never once seen support necro in competitive play.

That's because he's never used...

Anyway, I'd agree with what Hades said. Mekansm is actually a great item on Necro, but if your going carry, you'd get something different. Things that boost your INT are good, like Hades' example, Aghanims.

Anyways, good job on writing the guide, +1 :)
kkay | December 5, 2012 1:07pm
Lol, I wouldn't consider necro's main role to be even remotely support. He's pretty ****py as a support. Works best as a mid lane / solo side lane. I've never once seen support necro in competitive play.
MagnumMoustache | December 5, 2012 11:44am
Mekansm isn't an usual carry item, but it works wonders with Necro, since his advantage and carry potential does not come from his auto-attacks, but his aura and Death Pulses. The longer the Necrolyte stays alive, the easier it gets for the enemy team to be decimated.

His Aghanim upgrade is terrible, unless you buy it for late game. However, Necro is a mid-game carry, so it's not wise to let games stretch that long.

As for silences, yes, they can be quite mean on Necro. That's why I added BKB on situational items.

Playing Necrolyte as a support is a waste of potential. He needs early farm and kills to stay relevant and win the game, otherwise he will be just "that guy that heals us once in a while".
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