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3 Votes

Romp's Drow(v6.79

October 22, 2013 by Romp
Comments: 3    |    Views: 15250    |   

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Rode Krijger (4) | October 25, 2013 5:23am
Just voted you up. Although I'm not fond of Shadow Blade either, you use it pretty well and it will probably be quite effective. The skill buildup is great (I use the same in my own guide). But the main reason to vote is that you have edited your guide to name the v6.79 changes and rewrote a few parts because of it. I like writers who try to keep their guides current and up to date.

One thing: In the item section, you made some changes to your starting items (because you now need 628 gold for the previous items), but in the guide itself, the old items are still listed.

Overal, good guide. +1
Romp | September 23, 2013 3:55pm
R-Conqueror wrote:

A very nicely formatted guide. I don't like Shadow Blade at all. It is good for initiation, but not for escape, as it becomes almost worthless after the first use if you are playing against good teams. It also helps positioning but doesn't help enough for $3000. Divine Rapier. Don't get this unless it is as a last ditch comeback tool. Especially if you are stomping. that just gives an opportunity for the enemy team to get it and come back.

Thanks, Shadow Blade is actually really good though i could see why you would dislike it (the factor of dust and whatnot). See here's the thing, if you don't have a hero already utilizing invis on your team it's an amazing pickup. It forces the enemy team to waste slots and money on items such as dust and gem. It's a strong financial pressure and has great synergy with Manta since you can use manta to purge the dust that they do use. (not to mention the slar and bounty ults as well). The attack bonus off invis is great on drow when followed by silence, most of the time its a kill imo. Then theres the factor of scaring their carries from farming due to potentially getting ganked in their jungle. This item is not so much about escaping but more about pressuring the enemy to waste gold and time imo.

As for the rapier part I agree completely, shes just too squishy to carry reliably, thats why i put that blurb there. Maybe i should remove entirely, its only for when you are dominating to the point that even if they got rapier they couldn't comeback.
R-Conqueror (24) | September 23, 2013 3:05pm
A very nicely formatted guide. I don't like Shadow Blade at all. It is good for initiation, but not for escape, as it becomes almost worthless after the first use if you are playing against good teams. It also helps positioning but doesn't help enough for $3000. Divine Rapier. Don't get this unless it is as a last ditch comeback tool. Especially if you are stomping. that just gives an opportunity for the enemy team to get it and come back.
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