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2 Votes

Rolling In! A Guide to Earth Spirit [Mid Update]

November 19, 2013 by Hypoxify
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Rudd (3) | November 21, 2013 9:32am
Good thing you added a Mid section but you have your combos wrong. You dont pull a rock for stun and smash it for silence.

1. pull a rock for stun (fairly easy, because the cast is so fast that it is really hard to dodge)
2. Imediately after pulling the rock you start rolling boulder (you will catch the rock you pull and you will deal damage and slow and end behind your opponent)
3. you smash him towards your side of the lane

This combo can be used for pure harass, but there are 2 other possibilities:

1. You atack his creeps really fast, to create a desiquilibrium. When his last creep is almost dying, you do the combo. This will make your opponent tank several of your creeps + your autoattacks.

2. Sometimes you can do this combo and punch your enemy into your tower range, which is really powerful

Finally, you shouldnt go boots first. Like Mr. Nuke said, you dont need movement when you have rolling boulder and its better to try to go for a fast bottle, because Earth Spirit lane gets a lot easier when you have a bottle. You can spam your low mana abilities and combos to harass and push the lane when you want to go for the runes.
Mr. Nuke (3) | November 20, 2013 3:22am
I don't think boots are needed for mid-lane, he's got Rolling Boulder to get him away or to initiate (boulder puts you behind the target so easy kicks =P), also he's not got the worst move speed. GG branches are much better so you can bottle quicker and harass more!
Hypoxify | November 19, 2013 7:21pm
Rudd wrote:

Just a small correction: In your description of Boulder Smash you say several times you can inflict a 5 second stun. It is a 5 second silence, which is also very good but not as game-breaking as a 5 second stun at level 1 xD.

Also you should consider putting a section of playing this hero in Mid. He is extremely strong at level 3 and level 6, altough being a melee hero. Level 3 you can effectively do your combo with your 3 abilities and punch your opponent into your tower range. At level 6 there are few Mid Heroes that can survive your combo + Ulti. I think Earth Spirit is a very versatile support, but he is a very strong Mid Hero.

Btw I use a boots first start instead of three tangoes because of the mobility needed to lane and for the first blood potential combo.
ChimpKing | November 19, 2013 7:56am
Nice guide so far! However, I concur with Rudd, in that I believe Earth Spirit should be played in mid most of the time. With some decent farm, he can make an effective semi-carry and ganker, much like Queen of Pain. Lastly, Force Staff is worth mentioning as a situational item, as it can help ES to get back to his team after rolling in and kicking an enemy hero back. The +10 int helps his mana problems a little bit, too. Well done, though!
Rudd (3) | November 19, 2013 5:10am
Just a small correction: In your description of Boulder Smash you say several times you can inflict a 5 second stun. It is a 5 second silence, which is also very good but not as game-breaking as a 5 second stun at level 1 xD.

Also you should consider putting a section of playing this hero in Mid. He is extremely strong at level 3 and level 6, altough being a melee hero. Level 3 you can effectively do your combo with your 3 abilities and punch your opponent into your tower range. At level 6 there are few Mid Heroes that can survive your combo + Ulti. I think Earth Spirit is a very versatile support, but he is a very strong Mid Hero.
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