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24 Votes

Roaming as Venomancer

November 30, 2011 by kumquat
Comments: 34    |    Views: 27532    |   

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Bromine | April 4, 2012 11:06am
Put the full guide up on DOTAfire, that's the point of the site. Nobody cares about your ****ty blog, which is down btw, making this a a poor and incomplete guide. Downvoted.
Rajhin | March 15, 2012 3:13pm
Thanks for guide, items aren't right though.

I see your blog down once more I downvote it and recommend to do so to everyone.
This is bs. It's big enough of a hassle while I don't care about your site, but it's also dysfunctional.
SkyneT800 (1) | February 9, 2012 12:45pm
Items are random? You don't need hood, vanguard is decent. Should Aghanim's as 2nd big buy.
HBalzac | February 4, 2012 9:03pm
very good guide, every game i play with this guide i win
Ryukari (4) | January 22, 2012 2:49pm
nice venom guide =3 i love your Vanguard+Hood :] after this combo u can build what u want. :D maybe mana or dmg or whatever u want =3 ahh btw. +1
Coldly (1) | January 5, 2012 6:18am
lol this argument...
BoredomIsFun (12) | December 23, 2011 2:48am
Sure I guess! :D
kumquat (15) | December 22, 2011 6:07am
I can link you replays of him roaming, but I can't find any VODs.
BoredomIsFun (12) | December 22, 2011 4:42am
Could you link me a VOD of Venomancer roaming in competitive play? Cheers.
Edit: Typo :P
kumquat (15) | December 22, 2011 1:48am
1) Pushing or Defending with Wards (Awesome as they are magic immmune and are quite tanky as well as being able to easily spam due to relatively low mana cost + cd)

Well, I play venomancer as a roamer, and I see pushing and defending as wards as a specialized


2) In teamfights, poison and ulti. It's okay if you die as long as you got your combo off, of course your aim is to not die and stay in the fight.

It's never okay to die. The entire point of my build is to stay alive so you can maximize your personal potential. This is why I disagree so heavily with Aghanim builds, because Venomancer is best utilized if he is alive through the entire fight in order to maximize his damage output. Getting your full combo off is nice, but if you want to ensure that they die, you need to be persistently auto attacking and spamming wards all over the place. Venomancer is great for lasting effectiveness and his auto attack power shouldn't be underestimated, ever.


In the competitive scene, Venomancer usually picks up a Pipe, which aids in safer teamfights as you attempt to tower/rax mid!

Pipe is a good (Albeit situational) pick if you are playing support venomancer, but I'm not playing support Venomancer. I'm playing a Roaming Venomancer, who's entire purpose is to cause as much damage as he possibly can. To say that Veno doesn't go vanguard in competitive scene is more or less an indicator of a lack of knowledge regarding him in the competitive scene. Also, just because you've seen something in a game doesn't mean it is core on that hero. I've seen Venomancer go Arcane Boots in tournaments. Does this mean I should go Arcane Boots every game as Venomancer, simply because I've seen it? Of course not, because in tournaments, they work outside of the metagame in order to get what their team needs. Arcane boots aren't core on Venomancer, but they needed Arcane Boots, and Venomancer was the best possible option for getting that item.

If I talked about every single possible item you could ever get, I would likely confuse my reader, who is likely reading the guide because they are new to the game, which wouldn't solve much of anything because 95% of the time getting that item wouldn't be a good idea in the first place.


However!, this is a great guide for pubs and playing by yourself just not for highly skilled matches.

I have to disagree once again here. Not because I'm going to counter your argument, but your comment about how I shouldn't be going vanguard in competitive play when vanguard is core on roaming venomancer in competitive play makes this comment lose it's validity in my eyes, personally.
BoredomIsFun (12) | December 21, 2011 5:38am
I haven't downvoted but I think I can see why. Vanguard doesn't seem correct in my eyes. Your purpose is
1) Pushing or Defending with Wards (Awesome as they are magic immmune and are quite tanky as well as being able to easily spam due to relatively low mana cost + cd)
2) In teamfights, poison and ulti. It's okay if you die as long as you got your combo off, of course your aim is to not die and stay in the fight.
In the competitive scene, Venomancer usually picks up a Pipe, which aids in safer teamfights as you attempt to tower/rax mid!
However!, this is a great guide for pubs and playing by yourself just not for highly skilled matches.
kumquat (15) | December 2, 2011 3:07pm
I've yet to see any actual negative feedback on the guide itself, yet I'm receiving down votes
What don't you guys like about it?
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