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Rikimaru the teamfighter 6.86

December 20, 2015 by youallknow
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Ember spirit 2.0

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 8 10 12

Blink Strike

4 9 13 14

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1 3 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

Rikimaru the teamfighter 6.86

December 20, 2015


Hello and welcome,
im not gonna make a long extended guide on riki cause anyone can play this hero with basic game knowledge. the reason im making this is to make you aware of what riki can do in 6.86. his new ultimate ability makes him an insane teamfighting hero who has the potential to one shot the entire enemy team in 1 or 2 shots.


how this works you ask?
the ultimate takes any effects his normal attacks would also have from lifesteal to battlefury and even mjollnir and basher. what this means with with battlefury you can do cleave damage on any heroes and creeps in range while hitting them from behind which means you cleave ALOT. i tested this in demo mode on 5 axes and just the axes alone got one shotted with me just having a battlefury and lvl 25.


let that sink in for a moment..
with this build you can do alot of things, you need battle fury obviously. crits are really good with that and after that the choice is yours. you can do lifesteal and teamfight till youre low ulti and come out of ulti with full health. you can build mjollnir if they have tanky heroes and nuke them down with lightning procs or you can go for a deso and crits to one shot them.

Team Work

now youre probably thinking ''hey not bad but they can run away''
and this is where the team fighting aspect comes into play.
if you combine this with an aoe slow like venomancer, warlock for example there is no way there living 6 hits with cleave and crits. any aoe stunner works aswell like sven or even puck and disruptor are great with this. basically there are no limitations.

excuse me for making such an informal guide but i wanted to get the word out there that this works and it is amazing. happy hunting!

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