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Rikimaru Super Ninja

May 4, 2013 by Fudgebiscuit2
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Super Ninja

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

3 8 9 10

Blink Strike

2 12 13 14

Tricks of the Trade

1 4 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

Rikimaru Super Ninja

May 4, 2013

Early Game

Get a 'poor man's shield' as fat as possible to reduce harassment. From there go Gloves then Boots then Belt to get the Power Treads. Harass enemies early with your backstab but stay clear of ranged enemies if you can. Remember you can use blink strike to teleport to a friendly as well as an enemy this allows for a quick escape. Using blink, you shouldn't need to use Smoke Screen very often

Mid Game

Build your Diffusal blade as soon as humanly possible and then your currais. With a bit of creep/jungle farming you could have both in no time making you unstoppable the earlier you get them.
Max your Backstab and smoke screen because the longer your enemy is standing in your smoke screen, the more damage your backstab will do.
Using this skill build will give riki a high damage output if done correctly.

Late Game

I usually skip the manta, but if you think that your game will be shorter than 30-40 mins then I would buy the manta and skip the butterfly.
Pros of a Manta is that you can pop out your illusions and start your ultimate and you will be able to deal massive amounts of damage this way.
Pros of a butterfly is that it gives you a nice amount more of attack speed which for riki is good because you want to damage quickly and be out and invis'd before they have a chance to learn of your presence.

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