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63 Votes

Rikimaru Comes For You

February 19, 2012 by Laminatedweasel
Comments: 27    |    Views: 338464    |   

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BlackAssassin00 (1) | November 17, 2014 6:35am
Best guide I've ever seen on riki! I haven't tried the build out yet, but I'm sure it will work. But I personally like leveling smoke later on...
dino0509 | March 7, 2014 4:59am
I played as Riki just now before checking your guide and I FACED some trouble from a certain faceless void(see what i did there?). The moment you reveal yourself to attack he can cast chrono and trap u there. This guy had a mask of madness which he activated to go ape **** on me but luckily i was so fat by then i could escape with about 30% health left. If he had been stronger he could have killed me for sure.
FiefMaster | November 18, 2013 3:01pm
Great guide. Helped me out quite a bit. Here's a screen of the result:
theuberfailer | November 9, 2013 3:50pm
My first playthrough with Riki got this score:
Great Guide +1
DadiSingkit (2) | November 2, 2013 4:31am
gerdez wrote:

If you need a guide for this OP chicken**** noob hero, then you will never ever grow balls, will never ever see any real ****. Every noob plays this rat and it's clear that he is in the game just so Dota gets moar players that are afraid of their own shadow and have serious self esteem issues. Nuff said.

Very great and intelligent input, thanks.
thesnacher | November 1, 2013 7:30pm
This guide really works. :) Definitely a +1!
gerdez | October 23, 2013 3:21pm
If you need a guide for this OP chicken**** noob hero, then you will never ever grow balls, will never ever see any real ****. Every noob plays this rat and it's clear that he is in the game just so Dota gets moar players that are afraid of their own shadow and have serious self esteem issues. Nuff said.
LordShift | October 20, 2013 10:15am
I think that the smoke screen ability should be leveled more often as besides his ulti its his most effective ability.
Besides that I think this is a great guide Weasel!
Hales Own | June 19, 2013 7:07am
This guide to Riki is great except that I think you should upgrade Blink Strike more because it does more damage so it's great to initiate a fight with someone and not to mention the cooldown.A 5 second cooldown is really great if you want to catch up with your enemy.If you initiate with a blink stike that is fully maxed,it would do 120+about 200 damage due to Backstab=320 damage.Also,maybe you may want to get a manta,so you would have 3 invisible dudes in total.Very good if your enemy doesn't have any vision on you so it is really good for surprise attacks.

The rest is good,keep up the good work.
Stank (2) | May 4, 2013 7:03pm
As long as your enemies are somewhat experienced/smart, you're going to have the ****piest laning phase with those starting items. 3 tangoes isn't enough, even with a stout shield and Riki's high base armor. I'd advise at least 6 tangoes, or 3 tangoes and a salve. Better safe than getting shat on. Otherwise good guide. :)

And also, I'd just like to say Medallion of Courage is a really solid item on Riki. Helps his mid game improve a lot, with ganks and such.
Biwinning1 | February 9, 2013 2:13pm
I noticed you didn't add a friends and foes section.
SuperNova (16) | January 30, 2013 8:12am
NicknameMy wrote:

Isn't Manta Style better than Sange and Yasha? Especially with Diffusal Blade.

Sange and Yasha is an absolutley awful item on nearly all hero's except slark. It's wayyy over priced for what it does and it offers nothing a manta style couldnt do better.
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