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Riki: Who needs a Manta anyways?

September 12, 2014 by york182000
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vroomndie (1) | September 16, 2014 12:16pm
hehe..i see now you have started using diffusal blade..giv a try to manta as well its add one more thing to the manta discussion is that it also removes that dp trying to make a run after silencing you.hehe...take the bithch...blink when the gem is up manta iluusion confusion can save u sometimes...also using manta offinsively is good...just walk up to ur target..use manta smoke ...ur illusion will block their way...just finish them up...saves diffusal charge sometimes....
vroomndie (1) | September 16, 2014 12:15pm
hehe..i see now you have started using diffusal blade..giv a try to manta as well its add one more thing to the manta discussion is that it also removes that dp trying to make a run after silencing you.hehe...take the bithch...blink when the gem is up manta iluusion confusion can save u sometimes...also using manta offinsively is good...just walk up to ur target..use manta smoke ...ur illusion will block their way...just finish them up...saves diffusal charge sometimes....
dynasty987 (6) | October 2, 2013 6:22am

Maybe because he didnt go for a manta

You clearly don't understand why diffusal blade is so good. Hint: It's not the mana burn
dynasty987 (6) | October 2, 2013 6:22am
Diffusal blade is better. With maxed smokescreen and diffusal blade you can kill people before they can get out of smokescreen as the two slows stack. It is only against better players who will stand and fight (so you can't backstab), that you won't kill them before smokescreen ends.
york182000 | September 30, 2013 3:33pm
I hear all of you with about the manta, but A) whenever I play against someone who goes manta, he does terrible and B) the few times I tried to go manta were some of my worst games as Riki ever. As far as diffusal blade, I'll be honest in saying I didn't know you could purge yourself to removed effects. Since reading that I've tried a few games with the diffusal, but it's been with very mixed results. My best games are still with the S&Y I really think you guys are selling it short. If you play Riki often enough try it for a game or two.
york182000 | September 30, 2013 3:30pm
Yasutsuna wrote:

Courier, really? Seems like you're the one playing him wrong.

no Diffusal Blade?

would rather get quelling blade than courier. Sange and Yasha is actually not very cost-effective. If you want the main, get Diffusal Blade for it's active, furthermore, it grants you AGI. If you want to survive longer, get an early Talisman of Evasion so it can be upgraded to Butterfly later on.

I get the courier because I play with my friends and I'm the one who buys the courier, so I made this build around that. I understand that as a carry Riki might not normally get this. I also wrote what to buy with that money if someone else gets the courier
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 27, 2013 10:38am
Sange and Yasha isn't actually a bad item, just generally cost inefficient compared to the upgrades available for the same cost.

Heaven's Halberd and Manta Style are USUALLY better.

I think people look at SnY the wrong way. They look at it like one 4,000 gold item, rather than two 2,000 gold items that take up 1 item slot. I believe it is the chinese team DK, whose Niax gets SnY most every game. Of course, Niax isn't Riki. Niax doesn't gain much from Manta Style but gains plenty from Yasha. where Riki gets quite a bit from manta. T

Though, considering riki is much harder to be taken down by support heroes if he tanks up, since riki's bulk is mostly evasion and armor, I wouldn't say that getting a Sange is that much a waist.

I would call it situational.

But Diffusal Blade is pretty much core regardless of this opinion being valid or not. You need the purge for chasing, removing negative debuffs, and maintaining consistent damage.
DadiSingkit (2) | September 27, 2013 8:09am
This guide is good for pub games, but tbh it isn't really advisable in high level team vs team games. But that's jusy MY OPINION..
Xyrus (104) | September 27, 2013 1:36am
york182000 wrote:

Now to finally explain the S&Y because every build I seem to see has you get a Manta for Riki. Yes, the Manta gives more AGI which helps backstab and the clones can serve a purpose, but here's why the S&Y is better. First, it gives more STR then the Manta and you need the survivability with Riki's low HP pool. Second, the movespeed, attack speed and AGI bonuses from S&Y are not significantly less then Manta so it still ups your base dmg and backstab bonus quite a bit. Third, the maim effect happens pretty often with your attack speed being high which just makes it take longer for them to escape the effects of Riki's smokescreen. Lastly, building the S&Y is better for you life as you'll be buying each STR item for the Sange part individually, each time upping your HP in the process as opposed to running around with ~900 HP all the way until you've finally got the 2100 gold for the Ultimate Orb and then must farm up another 900 for the Manta recipe.

You missed 2 important reasons for getting Manta Style.

First and most Importantly, [Manta Style removes Negative Debuffs when used, these include Track, Amplify Damage, Dust of Appearance AND Silence (this is also why Diffusal Blade is popular on Riki since it can do the same). Being able to stay invisible even when enemies start countering your Invis is vital to your survival.

Secondly, the Active Ability makes you invulnerable for 0.1 seconds. It may be hard to time, but you can use this to dodge any projectile, including stuns like Storm Hammer which can't be dodged even if you go invisible.

Sange and Yasha is certainly a viable item on Riki, especially if you have a good Abaddon playing with you, but you should consider getting a Manta Style in every match and only picking S+Y if you are confident the other Team won't be smart enough to buy detection, or use AoE silence. You can also dissasemble S+Y and Manta and switch between them as neccessary, but this would take up a lot of inventory space.
Yasutsuna (51) | September 26, 2013 8:59pm
Courier, really? Seems like you're the one playing him wrong.

no Diffusal Blade?

would rather get quelling blade than courier. Sange and Yasha is actually not very cost-effective. If you want the main, get Diffusal Blade for it's active, furthermore, it grants you AGI. If you want to survive longer, get an early Talisman of Evasion so it can be upgraded to Butterfly later on.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | September 26, 2013 8:53pm
dynasty987 wrote:

Why no diffusal blade?

Maybe because he didnt go for a manta
dynasty987 (6) | September 26, 2013 6:11pm
Why no diffusal blade?
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