Early game
Only buy these starting items if you get given 2 shared tangos by your supports. Otherwise start with a salve as well. Buy a stout shield from the side shop to get your early poor man's shield. Right after that get your power treads and put them on agility for the extra backstab. Make sure when you're going for last hits you stand behind the creeps to get the extra backstab damage. Also try and get your lane support to get an early ring of basilius as it helps riki early with his mana regen if he is using blink strike aggressively.
Mid game
Build into mask of madness straight away and reK noobs and laugh as they try and run away. Build straight into sange and yasha after that because the stats increase his survivability, and have synergy with backstab as well as giving him extra chase potential with the slow and passive movespeed boost. Get dat skull basher after sange and yasha and stun lock all day ery day. Skull basher has nice synergy with mask of madness as it will proc more bashes with the extra attack speed.
Late game
Get bkb so you don't get stun locked in team fights and so you can stay in the fight for longer. After that get butterfly as it has sooooo much synergy with riki for obvious reasons. Next build into abyssal blade because that active stun is such a powerful utility. And finally after you're 6 slotted and when you have enough gold for both buyback AND boots of travel, then get boots of travel because you are rolling in money from all the noobs you've stomped.
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