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Riki-The Guide You Never Saw Coming

April 18, 2014 by Badgerboy
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DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

5 12 13 14 15

Blink Strike

2 4 8 10

Tricks of the Trade

1 3 7 9

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


17 18


Battle Furry- used for Health/Mana Gen and easy farm

Phase Boots- used for chasing and damadge

Sange&Yasha- used for agility, movement, and damadge

Crystalys- Builds into Daedalus, massive crit and damadge

Vlad's- Vampire + no Unique Modification

Assault Cuirass- Armor and attack speed

You can change slippers into bands if having a rough start, that will help with agility/health and give you a boost in backstab.

Pros / Cons

Fun to play
Easy to learn
Weakens enemy team
Constant map pressure-and makes people waste their money on wards
High damdge
Best escape
Late game he is unkillable
Easy to get ahead
Every one loves a Riki

Easy counter
Squishey in early game - Untill ulti
Have to understand towers/dissable/True sight/and when and who to gank
Easy to get behind
Every one hates a Riki

What you need to know / How to start

Riki is Great! That is if you know how to counter a stealth counter.

Riki does great at mid for early levels but is more risky because you dont have a back up and most mids are ranged, however you have quick access to the side lane making ganking very easy.

Riki is goood either lane depending on the person your with, if you have a healing support then suicide or hard lane work fine, it also means the support can counter ward sentry wards making your farm much easier. In the safe lane Riki just needs a poker to help him out but often times this poker isn't a support so Riki's farm is decreased because he has to buy wards.

Once you hit ulti, you'll start your ganking process.

Ganking - The reason Riki is so strong

Ganking is complicated and fairly simple at the same time. The most important part of Ganking is watching that mini-map this ques you into when there is a stragler, someone hurt taking cover way behind creeps, the carry singled out (main priority) and the various nuker squishies.

The battle is once you found your target there is an art to Riki that becomes more elegant as his ulti progresses. To start you gank you want to position yourself behind the target hero, you then auto attack, staying behind the hero best as possible. Note if its hero with a major disable(Sven, Lion, ect...) tehn throw dust as soon as you hit that first time. If not save it till the Chase starts.

The Chase is the finaly stage of ganking in which you get your kill. This is part of the reason you get Phase Boots, Sange/Yasha, and late game Travel Boots. You will be getting constant backstabs while they run but if they some how get far enough away you can use Phase Boots to catch up, if under tower or still cant keep up use blink, then if still not dead, throw dust(if you have it up) to slow down then kill away. If you cannot kill the target hero easily, then proceed to feed off of the weaker heros till you have enough power to kill him/her.


Riki is one of the best gankers in PUBs but in a real match Riki is easily counter. However you can always counter that counter. The basics are simple and to be good you just have to understand Dota fairly well. Just play it safe till ulti then gank away and watch the money, exp and GG's role on in.

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