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riki: buy diffusal
riki: not steam farm
riki: not steal kills.
did no riki player ever.
Troll detected.
You literally built 9 points of agility on the most agility based hero in DotA, nice try though, almost got me.
Im thinking the same. Troll guide alarm.
You literally built 9 points of agility on the most agility based hero in DotA, nice try though, almost got me.
This is a terrible guide. You don't need the extra speed from Boots because if they get you that low you're not gonna run away unless they're stupid.
every single one of your enemies will be focused on taking you out because they know if you get farm now they're screwed to high heaven. Treads are far better than phase boots for riki, because he needs to tread switch to get that extra health going for him.
I agree with Eightfold. Also a divine? Really? Riki is as cheap as you can get. Get a yasha and it doesn't matter.
Smoke Screen isn't very useful in the early levels, since enemy heroes won't be focusing all of their energies on taking you out.
every single one of your enemies will be focused on taking you out because they know if you get farm now they're screwed to high heaven. Treads are far better than phase boots for riki, because he needs to tread switch to get that extra health going for him.