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4 Votes

Riki - Stealth

March 13, 2015 by Kingpin007
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Kornel | March 21, 2015 7:44am
Anyway ,this is a good guide. I got 10-3-20 yesterday
Kornel | March 21, 2015 5:25am
Be careful , Necronominicon counters Riki too.
apaz (17) | March 14, 2015 9:48pm
"I have played over 130 games on Dota 2 till now and I have played in around 120 of them using this hero."

It seems like you have a general know-how on how to play Riki. Unfortunately, spamming Riki games will keep you from learning the game as a whole.

A big problem that tends to happen when you spam 100+ games with a hero with an escape like Riki's is that you never learn positioning in ganks, because you have never had to. Who needs that when you have invisibility?

The thing is, not all heroes have permanent invisibility. When you start to play other heroes, you will run into problems. However, you should, because if you don't, you are just setting yourself up for BIGGER problems later.

You may be asking: Why cant I just be a Riki player my entire Dota Career? I stomp with Riki.

Well, that is because, once you start playing ranked games, People are going to get more than a bit annoyed if you Insta-Pick Riki because that is all that you know how to play.

It is apparent to me that you, for your number of games played, are an excellent Riki player, but not an excellent Dota player. But, that can me improved.

You should start playing tankier supports with disables, like Ogre Magi and Winter Wyvern. If you start doing this, then not only have you learned new heroes, and stopped spamming Riki, but you will have learned to support as well.

Then, get into the higher impact, Squishier supports, like Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer and Shadow Demon.

I feel that once you do that, you will become a much better player of Dota in general, which will help you with Riki too.

I got a little sidetracked, but nice guide. The Skill build is nice, the Item build is nice, and I especially enjoyed your description of how to initiate. You obviously have an Idea what you are doing, but you should probably learn other heroes sooner rather than later.
masaaki14 (11) | March 14, 2015 11:36am
Bad items and skill build.

People dont really notice how strong the invis is at early game. And maxing backstab first adds damage, yes, but not enough to make up for the regen riki's invis provides. Backstab ups your damage based on your agi. Simply put, the more agi you have, the stronger your attacks get.

Another thing is riki is incredibly weak in lategame, teams with riki as the main carry usually never win if the game goes on for more than 40min, unless riki did phenomenally well in the midgame. Right clickers just need one item to fight riki under smokescreen(mkb/bkb), once they get that, you might as well not use smoke.

If you want to have a lifesteal, vlads is the second choice i would make. I would rather opt for mom contrary contrary to what people say. Yes, mom makes the alrdy squishy riki even squishier, but it also makes ganks in early mid game more successful. After diffusal stopped being a uam, i find all the more reason to go for a mom over vlads

The one item which i completely disagree with is daedalus. Damage from Backstab does not stack with daedalus. If you want dps, stack agi and backstab will do the rest.
michimatsch (26) | March 13, 2015 11:32pm
Manta Style.
I keep telling everyone.
SatomiCappucino (12) | March 13, 2015 2:30pm
This will help you at formatting and making your guide prettier ^^
Also consider adding Drum of Endurance and Abyssal Blade in the items section.
cpfran6 (3) | March 13, 2015 1:53pm
Good information, could use more Pictures and Form. Items need explanation, a Luxury Item section would be nice. Just liven it up for a +1 for me. that aside, you need to liven up your hero choices. Once you get jnto ranked where the players are generally higher skilled, Riki gets shut down. The last 3 ranked games I have had a Riki in we just usedan Dust and Wards and he was useless. I hope you branch out.
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