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6 Votes

Riki: See me, See Death.

November 1, 2012 by Az7y
Comments: 6    |    Views: 12206    |   

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Az7y | November 4, 2012 9:09am
isuckatdota wrote:

should get smoke first and only max backstab first if you are free farming otherwise max blink and don't get vlads on riki takes up item slot and is better gotten by someone else

I edited it, a bit. I still feel maxing backstab helps a lot in pubs, since there're always the supports stealing your last hits, since a pub is not very organized. And about Vlads, I'll say, Riki needs vlads. It's for the person to decide till what time of the game he can sustain without Vladmir's Offerings. I can sustain, till I get my Diffusal & Yasha done with. Riki's a solo killer. Not a sticking to support hero, while you're in a pub. He needs his own lifesteal, as far as I'm concerned, unless there's some hero who makes Vlads by default.
MaxsteelZ (1) | August 22, 2012 10:36am
Chup lavde uSuckatDota
isuckatdota | August 20, 2012 6:15pm
should get smoke first and only max backstab first if you are free farming otherwise max blink and don't get vlads on riki takes up item slot and is better gotten by someone else
Hades4u (296) | August 19, 2012 8:07am
Az7y wrote:

Haha, I know. He's my friend, so I don't mind about it.
And thanks. I just made the first part, I'll finish it soon. Can you help me a bit, I need quite a hint about how to engrave the item lits, Hades4u?

Put two square brackets before the item/hero and two square brackets after the item/hero name and it will be tagged.
Az7y | August 19, 2012 12:23am
Haha, I know. He's my friend, so I don't mind about it.
And thanks. I just made the first part, I'll finish it soon. Can you help me a bit, I need quite a hint about how to engrave the item lits, Hades4u?
Hades4u (296) | August 18, 2012 3:08pm
MaxsteelZ wrote:


You know, this counts as spam, and no one cares who is first and who is last.

Also, pretty nice guide, keep it up.
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