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Riki: Run at people or die (7.02)

February 17, 2017 by NMH01
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Riki: 1k and below

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

4 8 11 13

Blink Strike

2 9 14 16

Tricks of the Trade

1 3 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

Tricks of the Trade applies a basic dispel
-3s Tricks of the Trade Cooldown
=4s Blink Strike Replenish Time
+0.3 Backstab Multiplier
-3s Smokescreen Cooldown
+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase
+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed
+50 Smoke Screen AoE

Riki: Run at people or die (7.02)

February 17, 2017

Items - Earlygame

For starting items I only ever get 2 Clarity, Tango, 2 Iron Branch, and the key item, an Orb of Venom. By 8 minutes, I will hopefully have my Phase Boots, and at least 1 Blade of Alacrity for my Diffusal Blade, which is always my first item.

Laning phase

When in laning phase, I normally start in safelane, or short lane, until I get to my level 3. Once I hit that, I will have 1/0/2/0, I will roam until the midgame, and hopefully have my Diffusal Blade, if not my Echo Sabre. One issue I always find with Riki is if there are wards, you are very dead. That is why I prefer Phase Boots over Power Treads, for the purpose of running away from this trouble.


In the midgame, there will be a lot of fighting, and so it is always my job to roam around and try to keep eyes on either their cores, where their heroes are setting up, or see if I can get a kill on a support and then force a teamfight. By now it will be 15-20 minutes into the game, I will have 1-2 items, and I will be able to fight. Pretty much, I am recon for the team, and believe it or not, I can initiate too. By the end of mid-game and going into lategame, you are either being pushed back to your base or you are dominating the game, getting kill after kill and pushing the enemy into their base.


It is lategame now. You are either attempting to hold of high ground pushes, roaming for kills on the enemy supports or an under-farmed core, or you are sieging the enemy high ground. So what do you do here? you plant a ward on enemy high ground, and you initiate using Blink Strike into Smoke Screen and then ult, distracting them for long enough for your team to join you. You should have Diffusal Blade, Echo Sabre, Skull Basher if not Abyssal Blade, and your Sange and Yasha. Now you are a fully equipped killing machine. Fight the enemy and die, or sneak around and kill them.

Pros / Cons

- Cloak and Dagger is an easy escape, you can Blink Strike to allied creeps or heroes, and your ultimate, Tricks of the Trade can keep you alive for at least 4-5 seconds longer, letting Blink Strike come off cooldown.
- You can easily sneak behind enemy lines and get kills on enemy supports
- with your items, enemies will have a hard time running, fighting, and mana issues
- Slow move speed, Dust, Observer and Sentry Wards and Gem of True Sight can easily eliminate you
- Heroes like Bloodseeker, Bounty Hunter, Slardar, and Zeus, all with abilities that give them true sight over you.
- hard time last hitting creeps, have to kill heroes to get farm

Friends/enemies/easy kills

- Bloodseeker - Bloodseeker Blood Rite makes you unable to Blink Strike away, and his passive, Thirst, reveals you when you are at low health, like I often find myself.
- Slardar - Slardar Corrosive Haze both gives true sight and increases your damage taken greatly for 25 seconds
- Bounty Hunter - Bounty Hunter Track has a low cooldown and grants true sight over you for 30 seconds
- Zeus - Zeus has 2 abilities that can reveal you from invisibility: Lightning Bolt and Thundergod's Wrath.
- Extremely tanky heroes such as Centaur Warrunner , Tidehunter, Axe are hard to kill without teammates

- long disables heroes like Lion, Shadow Shaman, and other such disablers allow you to get more hits on enemy heroes
- Wards give you vision of the enemy's movement so you can roam to gank enemies
- damage amplification - Heroes like Slardar, items like Medallion of Courage or Desolator, and other things that give minus armor are good for Riki so he deals more damage to them

Easy Kills:
- squishy supports - Find a Lion roaming around, Blink Strike to him, Smoke Screen, and he is dead. Riki can be a terror to heroes roaming on their own.
- Immobile cores - Terrorblade running down midlane? run at him, silence him, get him low and then ult and he dies.

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