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3 Votes

Riki pubstomper or competitive play hero

August 21, 2012 by deadRiPP
Comments: 4    |    Views: 8085    |   

Riki pubstomper or competitive play hero

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

3 12 13 14

Blink Strike

1 8 9 10

Tricks of the Trade

2 4 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

Riki pubstomper or competitive play hero

August 21, 2012

Pros and cons

Pros: Invisible hero
Early-Mid strong ganked
Great damage output
Great for counter initiation, due his Smoke screen ability

Cons: Early gem can mess up his game totally
Focused target
When he is visible, he cannot do almoast anything
Low HP


Well, core items build is in early game, if u have a extra kill or creep, it will be very helpfull, instead of rushing bigger items, this will help u survive and make a kill.

Second build is called Pub stomping build, and reason why its called that, it is because its focused on solo targets, and less on teamfights where u will be able to lock down a hero and kill him in matter of seconds even if he is more farmed then u, for example magina got vang and battlefury, u just sneak in with mom and basher, silence and start to auto attack, if it bash then its a secure kill. This build needs you to gank, and not to sit and farm, because u will get more exp and gold from ganks and towers that will be vaulnarble while your opponets are dead. The bad side of this build is, low survivability and in teamfights or if the opposing team have gem, u are screwed.

The final build for Rikimaru is mixed on farming and killing.
Sit on your lane fore about 15-20 minutes to get your diff and optionally vladimir's offering,
diffusal blade is great item for riki, u can either use it offensivly or for your own sake.
If u use smoke and diff on your target right after it, he will harly move from the fog because u have been farming better or equally as your opponets carry, on the other hand if u get dusted or tracked by slardar or gondar, you just need to use diffusal on yourself and its gone. Vlads is great item for pushing and survivabilty because of lifesteal, even after a hard teamfight if u survive just autoattack for 40 sec and u will be full heath, and u have some mana regen also, its an item of a choice.
BKB or Black king bar is items that will allow you to be untouchable in teamfights by spells, only some ultimates can harm you by locking you, or if you get ganked by multiple heroes then just use it and tp out.
Manta style is great item for most of agility heroes, gives good agility and illusions that deal some good damage, and dont forget about movment speed bonus that is gained not only by you but also by your illusions, perhaps it does not as good as on magina, because it also mana burns, but if your target is running, then riki's illusions are gonna deal also big amount of damage.
one more awsome item for agi carry heroes, it is basicly the biggest source of agility of all items, which riki uses for bonus damage from backstab, but one more thing is evasion, that will force your opponet for mkb if he even stands a chance against you

Finally MKB or Monkey King Bar
It provides massive damage, and chance to ministun, and riki has no disables for teleporting opponets, and that is why it is great choice, and do not underestemate 100 bonus damage from ministun, its huge!

Best allies and enemies


Furion/Nature's Propeth
This two heroes have synergy of a ganker, two heroes appear at the same time and u are dead before u even realize whats going on, their first spells stacks awsomely, if riki smokes ontop of sprout or the other way around, they can bring down magina or qop easily

Tracks of those two will really help Riki to burn his enemies even more quickly
and do not forget gold bonus from track which can help riki to turn around games.
Oh one more thing about those two, if someone from your team picks them, your opponet cannot so thats one more reason why are they good ***set to your team

well i could number even more allies, but what u need to remeber its that any long stun duration is good with you, so you can get ready to kill.


again this two, well yeah their track is why u can get focused and do no damage


Yup this guy sees you if u are below 30 percet health or so.


Thaks to all readers and who will find this usefull, im here to help.

Feel free to post negative comments, and i will proove u are wrong

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