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5 Votes

Riki, nearly unbeatable

July 22, 2012 by firemozzi#259882
Comments: 5    |    Views: 95018    |   

Riki Full Agility

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

3 18

Blink Strike

1 5 8 10

Tricks of the Trade

2 4 7 9

Cloak and Dagger

6 12 17


11 13 14 15 16


At begin: Be very careful and only try to lasthit the creeps, you can easily get killed until you have your ulti.
attacking without ulti: just try to backstab, if he looks at you dont attack him.

Attacking someone with ulti:
first stand stealthy behind him, backstab him, maybe he dont know that you attack him, backstab him again, if he not go now away he is afk, just kill him backstabbing.
if he attacks you make cloud and be sure that you go away early, that your 3/2/1.5 second ulti help you escape, if he walks away chase him with backstab, until you cant reach him, then blink strike him and backstab again, you can kill nearly every champ with that tactic.

if someone have truesight, dont attack him, and try to go away, you cant kill someone with truesight, only if he is clearly a noob.

you can double and triple kill if you just backstab and blink strike someone and then go inviz again. they will flame you because its very nasty to play like this.


Riki, or Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin is a melee agility Hero that uses stealth in order to surprise enemies and quickly kill them. His trademark ability, Permanent Invisibility, allows him to sneak into the shadows to hide and slip by without giving himself away.
Though Riki might be a great hero for beginners to use, he encourages them bad behavior and metagame especially if they have just started out playing. Riki has some item dependency and still requires smart thinking and map knowledge to escape due to his low health. He is recommended for intermediate players.


Riki's invisibility is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. On one hand, it makes him able to surprise enemies and farm with very little concern. On the other hand, without invisibility he has no real defense. His early game priority is reaching level 6 quickly. Once he has permanent invisibility, he still has to watch out for revealing items such as Dust of Appearance and Gem of Truesight, as well as abilities that Silence him and prevent him from going invisible. If he stays alive and picks off lone enemies, he can quickly get out of control.
Smoke Screen provides a powerful Silence and gives enemies a high miss chance, as well as slowing them down. If targeted properly, it can hold an enemy down long enough to finish them off. However, enemies must stay in the area to be affected. A good strategy is to throw a Smoke Screen in the enemy's path, rather than where they are presently. Blink Strike is Riki's chase and escape ability. It operates like other Blink abilities, in that it allows Riki to teleport to a target quickly. However, Blink Strike must target a unit. It helps catch up with fleeing enemies, jump into fights quickly, and escape from situations by targeting allies. Blink Strike pairs well with Backstab, because it teleports Riki behind the enemy. Backstab causes any attack from behind to deal additional damage, and allows you to absolutely flatten weaker enemies. If they turn to run, Riki suddenly hits for much more. Finally, Riki's Permanent Invisibility allows him to go completely invisible after a short delay. If Riki's enemies don't have any form of revelation, this lets Riki escape with ease and roam freely. If they do, Riki has to rely on his cunning and speed in order to get the drop on enemies, and get out alive.


Starting Items: Riki has very little health. He'll need the Tangoes to keep himself at his healthiest during the laning stage, and the Salve to heal up after attempted ganks. He can take some Slippers to build into his Shield and also gives him some Agility at begin.

Early Game: Boots and Poor Man's Shield can be grabbed in any order depending on how well Riki's doing. If his team is doing well or he's getting a lot of ganks, Boots will help him to chase enemies down. If Riki keeps dying or taking damage, the Shield will reduce some of the physical harm he takes.

Early: Diffusal Blade is a huge plus for Riki. Not only does it make him even more effective against weak or Intelligence Heroes, it also allows him to remove buffs from his enemies (most importantly Dust of Appearance). Power Treads are debatable, but they give a hefty stat bonus and let him deal even more damage (base and backstab.)

Mid: Butterfly is good for any Agility Hero, and Riki is no exception. More attack speed + more agility = killing machine. It's expensive though. Vlad's is cheap and, with the damage Riki can deal, should keep Riki healthy for a while. Also the last item, Ethereal Blade gives him an additional Agility boost. also you can kill some heros, which are nearly killing you, without dieing.

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Sun Jul 22 16:00:06


ID: #2763741

Sun Jul 22 15:04:38


ID: #27044562

Thu Jul 19 18:11:52


ID: #26702478

Tue Jul 17 23:03:10


ID: #26478990

Mon Jul 16 21:13:49


ID: #26261492

Sun Jul 15 19:28:58

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