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Riki:If you can see me, you're already dead

June 30, 2014 by Nuxy
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Pub Riki

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

4 12 13 14

Blink Strike

1 8 9 10

Tricks of the Trade

2 3 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

A brief Bio about Riki: The Stealth Assassin

Riki was born middle child to the great dynasty of Tahlin. With an older brother groomed for the throne, and a younger brother coddled and kept, Riki, the small middle son, seemed born for the art of invisibility. It was an art he cultivated, and one which ultimately saved his life on the night that his people were betrayed and his family slaughtered. Of all the royal line, he alone escaped-small and agile, unassuming, using smoke as cover. He cut his way out of the royal grounds, using the advantage of surprise, quietly slitting the throats of one enemy warrior after another. Now free of his royal responsibilities, Riki uses his talents in service to a new trade: Stealth Assassin. He silences his enemies, sharpening his skills, hoping to one day take revenge on those who killed his family and robbed him of his birthright.

Role (Steeled and tempered)

Carry - Escape

Indroduction (Oh look, it's me)

Riki the stealth Assassin is a melee agility hero. Rikimaru's Permanent Invisibility is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness because without invisibility he has no real defense, it allows him to sneak into the shadows to hide and can only be visible when doing some action .This allows him to be able to surprise enemies and farm with very little concern. He is considered a hard core carry hero on a late game teamfight. On early game, he is very weak and just should farm. Blink Strike is Riki's chase and escape ability. It helps catch up with fleeing enemies, jump into fights quickly, and escape from situations by targeting allies, making him even more dangerous. Backstab causes any attack from behind to deal additional damage,[Blink Strike] pairs well with Backstab, because it teleports Riki behind the enemy. Smoke Screen provides a powerful Silence and gives enemies a high miss chance, as well as slowing them down Diffusal Blade combo well with this spell giving enough time to finish them off.

Abilities ( I speak softly, but carry a sharp knife)

Smoke Screen

Throws down a smoke bomb, silencing and slowing enemy units in an area while causing them to miss on most attacks. Lasts 6 seconds.

This skill will give your enemy with a missing attacks and silence them as long as they stay within the smoked area.

Stun enemy in the Smoke, or Slow them in the smoke for maximum potential of this skill.

Smoke Screen works great with active spell of Diffusal Blade Abyssal Blade , and that combo almost guarantees you a kill.

Well however remember the enemy that is under this spell can use items.

Blink Strike
Teleports behind the target unit, striking for bonus damage if it is an enemy.

Blink Strike's damage is dealt before the next attack.

This skill instantly position yourself behind the enemy, which means you will have a bonus Backstab damage from your 3rd skill.

This spell works great with third ability Backstab

Can be used to initiate ganks,, blink in and do not forget to use smoke to slow down and silence the enemy,, most probably the enemy will try to escape from the smoke there on you get the advantage to fully utilize Backstab

Diffusal Blade is a must for a sure kill

Can also be used on allies as an escape mechanism or for re-positioning in ganks.

This spell works when Riki attacks enemy from the back. Use this to for farming the creeps early game. Attack them from behind for easier last hits.

Bonus damage is based on your Agility.

Rikis illusions do not have this ability. Only animation works but not the damage.

Applies when denying allied units.

Permanent Invisibility
Riki fades into the shadows, staying permanently invisible except while attacking. While silenced, Riki will be visible.

A good skill for scouting without the slightest hint of your presence by the enemies that makes enemy to be always not pleasant to do activity because they are afraid of your surprise gank

Be carefull of True Sight items like Gem, Sentry, or Dust,, so always keep a check on enemy's inventory if they have it you should keep a distance and wait up for the right moment.

Heros like Gondar and Slardar can track you with Track,Amplify Damage. And also Bloodseeker if you are on a low HP.

Does not break Invisibility when he casts spells or uses items.

Silence blocks the invisibility

Riki won't auto attack enemies while invisible.

Early game Strategy (Quiet as cat's feet)

When game starts Riki is very weak hero, he has low damage and low HP that makes him a very easy target for ganks and this is why Blink Strike at level 1 is recommended so that you can jump to a unit for your safety.

Items should be Quelling BladeBonus Damage (melee): +32% against non-hero units Stout ShieldChance to Block: 60% damage Tango or salve to restore hp because you are gona be concentrating more on farming and survive to your best this build makes a good deal. On early game, you need to last hits as many creeps as you can. Don't even think about Blink Strike to the enemy and try to kill them you are jst gona end up in trouble.

Lane with an intel and a supporter, one who allows you to get creeps, and harass the opposing heroes.
Max Backstab first as it is your main source of damage for harassing and farming on early-mid game.
Smoke Screen level 1 is enough for ganking so Max Backstab and Blink Strike first.
You should be able to get a Power Treads by now but dnt rush for ganks try to farm as much as possible,, your teammates can take care of the ememies till then.

It is usually recommended to get Permanent Invisibility as soon as possible.

While Permanent Invisibility lets Riki effectively scout enemy heroes, remember that Riki scales primarily with gold and EXP. Extended periods of just following foes while invisible without acquiring kills can lead to Riki falling off in usefulness.

Mid game Strategy (Oh, how I strike)

By now you should be having Power Treads and Diffusal Blade so time to get started with ganks. Diffusal Blade gives a lot of agility, and super useful active effect that almost guarantees a kill.

If you see single enemy you should kill him without doubts and with diffusal that shouldn't be hard. Continue farming because being a weak hp hero you are gona be needing lots of hard core items late game and never initiate team fights.

And always be care full of true sight items during scouting and ganks,, In this stage if there are decent amount of spell casters you also should get Black King Bar. This item could be really necessary in team fights providing protection from spells for sometime. Besides additional strength will make him tougher.

And if that's not the case then you can go on with some offensive builds like Abyssal Blade . Why Abyssal? Because the main problem of this stage is that enemy's carry won't be afraid of you and most likely won't run away turning his back so that's why we should stun him. This 2.0 SECONDS stun would most probably do the job.

Late game strategy ( Oh you're dead. What a surprise)

During late game your job is to carry your team.

You should be having a decent amount of farm by now to carry your team. your next time should be Butterfly and if u got more farm thn go on with Eye of Skadi or deadaluswhich will provide you with a powerful Critical Strike.

Always wait for the initiator of your team to open a teamfight, and then after that, jump to a target and use Smoke Screen to the enemy crowds to silence,, slow and dodge their dps.

If the enemy has true sight and a clash sparks, better ask an initiator or a tanker from your team to enter first in a gank/clash then go for the attack. If the true sight holder is a Tank, don't focus on him/her.

A Tank's role is to tank the damage for his/her team, so attacking the Tank first is not strategic and not a good idea. Focus on supports and carries first, then focus on the true sight-holding Tank.

GOOD ALLIES (I owe you one)

Any supportive hero that has good disable spells and haras the enemies on lane,, helping Riki to get a good to go farm is definitely a good ally like


goes great with Riki, his Kinetic Field keep the enemies in the cloud.

Shadow Shaman
have hex, shackles, and wards to helps you disables enemy

Ogre Magi
with Fireblast and Ignite provides proper support to riki

A great ally with stun, swap, and +damage aura

Worst enemies ( I didn't want to be seen like this)

Bounty Hunter can give you a hard time with Track which gives true sight to the foe's so careful if your opponent got this hero

Slardar has Amplify Damage which reduces armor to amplify physical damage and provides True Sight of the targeted unit.

Bloodseeker His Thirst ability is a great threat for riki as it provides true sight of heros below 25% hp making it impossible to escape in critical health.


Ty for going through my guide :D

By OG|Nuxy.CM

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