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110 Votes

Riki: If you can see me, you're already dead!

January 18, 2013 by Sarcy
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Ryan Christoper (1) | July 24, 2016 12:31am
What lane should i play on with riki?
The Frosto (14) | July 24, 2016 1:28am
Riki should be played in either the oflane, dire bot and radiant top. Or as a roaming hero.
Sidenote, this guide is from 2013 and is really outdated. Riki his skills and playstyle has changed to much so I suggest you go to a more recent guide. You can see that he stills speak of Backstab and permanent invisibility, which are old riki skills he doesn't have anymore.
ChuahHM | August 4, 2015 12:49pm
What about heart?
Maverick77 | June 22, 2015 6:23pm
Personally, i go with sange and yasha after power treads. I like the extra movement and attack speed it gives, also gives some str so you have a bit more health. But thats just my personal preference, never tried skull basher with Riki before, so i'll look into that. But a very good guide!
thuzkee | April 3, 2015 1:44pm
ayylmfao wrote:

from my friend who are rather pro on dota,he give me suggestion to use skull basher and mask of madness on late game instead of poor's man shield and magic wand,also in place of that difusal(for someone who don't or can't use item shortcut for help) i suggest using butterfly instead. also travel boots will be nice(but only for late game)

so my build on late game is: butterfly, Travel boots, Mask of madnesss, Skull basher, power treads and town scroll portal

I would strongly suggest against getting Mask of Madness since the active on this item makes you so squishy, you can die within 2 seconds from a burst damage hero like Lina. Basher is ok but it doesn't give you any agility which is core for Riki's backstab. Sure, it is fun to MoM > Blink > hit > hit > then proc bash then kill, but the damage from additional agi is way more better than the chance to bash. Also, if you are having difficulty in using diffusal's active on enemy heroes, just save it for purging yourself against skills such as track and amplify damage.

I just started playing riki and I am also relatively new in DotA2, but with the right play style, you can easily stack up your kills. My core items are usually Poor Man's Shield > Orb of Venom > Treads > Diffusal... easy ownage. Just remember to roam around and hunt other squishies (i like the sound of that.... ^^).
ayylmfao | March 14, 2015 11:09am
as a newbie on both dota and riki,i can confirm that this guide is usefull
but despite on the people, difusal blade is rather useless,moreover with newbie that can't really use shortcut for item
from my friend who are rather pro on dota,he give me suggestion to use skull basher and mask of madness on late game instead of poor's man shield and magic wand,also in place of that difusal(for someone who don't or can't use item shortcut for help) i suggest using butterfly instead. also travel boots will be nice(but only for late game)

so my build on late game is: butterfly, Travel boots, Mask of madnesss, Skull basher, power treads and town scroll portal

i miss some because i forgot what that thing is but from my experience playing riki unstopably from like 2 days,i really suggest this set
Pyro Dragonus | December 9, 2014 12:50am
also, plz tryout phase boots and medallion on riki. i found out that phase don't break invisibility and medallion's armour reduction can be quite useful, but still have to test it on competitive gaming, just now i've tested it only on pubs.
Pyro Dragonus | December 8, 2014 6:52pm
though i agree with all of ur build there's something i wanna tell you.
1# please re-make the skill build section, the newly maked riki's play style is a bit different from the old one

2# will you kindly try out to build malestorm after rushing diffusal then go straight to bkb or vlads then go back to molinjor or just go straight to it, trust me the GPM go skyrocked.

3# molinjor is situational on some situations if u want to outfarm the enemy carry, so that u will be even deadly late game, molinjor gives u attack speed, dmg,and a amazing passive that let's the enemy carry force to turn his back to run away in smoke or face u and take magical dmg, not to mentioned that u will be farming really crazy and kill fast with this item on ur hands... so it's amazing..:-)

4# i've played riki many times with this build and successful against even PA and Specter on other team and even against PL thanks to the CC it provides... but add it if u feel like it and i won't force u...:-)
that's all... anyway thanks and also +rep for an amazing guide..:-)
Unscathed (47) | October 17, 2014 5:10pm
Build is outdated
ShoutyShout13 (2) | July 7, 2014 12:39am
BKB is a highly situational item for Riki. Even though his Smoke can Silence people, it only applies to a target caught, not for those outside it. Even then, Force Staff out and do whatever. One example of this is Skywrath Mage: Force Staff, Ancient Seal and you're gone.
TheRageMage | March 19, 2014 12:25am
Outworld Devourer can be a massive pain in the but if he gets a Gem of True Sight, as his abilities will eat up your measily HP
Lunar Eve | March 6, 2014 12:13pm
Sarcy wrote:

I disagree, with proper use of smoke it allows you to silence key heroes in a teamfight disallowing them to cast on you or your team mates. Your team should then be able to lock down the high priority targets before any fight changing casts have gone off.

Even if they have dust or a gem, there is no reason unless you get caught out of position that you shouldn't be able to smoke the big players in a teamfight.

I disagree, even you throw smoke, it doesnt provide you more survibility, BKB provide str+damage+and magic immune, you cannot kill hero that buy guinsoo just rely on smoke, am i right? In that case, you should buy BKB for it.
battleoffury | January 15, 2014 6:28pm
You should not build a vladmir offering on riki, it doesnt offer any agility wehatso ever and the 2200 should be used to build something else. I prefer vanguard much more
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