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7 Votes

RIKI Build

September 10, 2012 by OPPANDOTASTYLE
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DirtGrub (13) | September 11, 2012 6:59am
I think vlads is ok on riki. a smart team will easily counter riki,but lifesteal keeps him in the fight or at least lurking around making other team scared. it also helps with being bursted down. if they get you down kinda low hp, go farm a creep wave and there you have it, back in the fight. Luxury item on riki
Shumski | September 11, 2012 5:13am
You can easily put vlads in luxury (just to rub your lifesteal into peoples faces when you're already owning them). As well I don't see the point of BKB at all (unless we talk about a smart team that is countering you with wards and dust (gem as a last instance) ), or the orb. Core should be diffusal, sange and yasha, possible Aegis (sort of a core luxury) and obviously treads (Oh yeah!!! and 2 TP scrolls (for some reason people seriously underestimate the power of TP) ). After that is your choice on what are you going to do with your money :D As well: Backstab at lvl 1? Seriously?! get Blink first, than smoke, than blink and than backstab, and than max out blink and backstab and if you're so scared to pick up ult at lvl 10 pick it at lvl 6.
Well all together not a great guide but it works for new players!!! (Mainly because of the vlads (it gives you some sort of fake confidence lol ))
Starbucks 64 (3) | September 11, 2012 3:19am
Agreed with fishy, vlads is not for Riki. Also smoke should be gotten lvl 1 instead of 3. Finally, ultimate orb? Eww, -1.
Fishy (2) | September 11, 2012 2:04am
Skill build is right, so is most of the items +1
May i ask why you would put Vlads on Riki? sure lifesteal is useful, but just as lifesteal is bad on bounty, it is bad on riki as well. Riki should get his dps items early as that is his main purpose, Vlads just delays this.
OPPANDOTASTYLE | September 10, 2012 9:55pm
gunit007 (1) | September 10, 2012 9:22pm
seems perfect to me
maybe diffusal before vlads for the extra slow to keep people in the smoke
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