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Riki [ Assassin Reborn 7.00]

December 25, 2016 by Himgirish
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Assassins Dagger

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 13 14 16

Blink Strike

4 8 9 11

Tricks of the Trade

1 3 5 7 18

Cloak and Dagger

6 12


10 15

Hero Talents

Tricks of the Trade applies a basic dispel
-3s Tricks of the Trade Cooldown
=4s Blink Strike Replenish Time
+0.3 Backstab Multiplier
-3s Smokescreen Cooldown
+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase
+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed
+50 Smoke Screen AoE

Riki [ Assassin Reborn 7.00]

December 25, 2016


Riki was born middle child to the great dynasty of Tahlin. With an older brother groomed for the throne, and a younger brother coddled and kept, Riki, the small middle son, seemed born for the art of invisibility. It was an art he cultivated, and one which ultimately saved his life on the night that his people were betrayed and his family slaughtered. Of all the royal line, he alone escaped—small and agile, unassuming, using smoke as cover. He cut his way out of the royal grounds, using the advantage of surprise, quietly slitting the throats of one enemy warrior after another. Now free of his royal responsibilities, Riki uses his talents in service to a new trade: Stealth Assassin. He silences his enemies, sharpening his skills, hoping to one day take revenge on those who killed his family and robbed him of his birthright.


* Smoke Screen is a very important skill make sure to get it at lvl 2 or 3.

*During laning phase try not to start a fight using blink try to get close without using it if possible .

*While playing against bristel back its better to attack him from front when ever possible attcking him from back will only harm you.

*Dont hesitate to use ulti to save your life.

*During team fights always try to kill weakest hero fisrt in most case there supports .


*Diffusal blade is a very good item on riki and make sure to upgrade it when its all charges are over.

*Don't waste your diffusal blade charge on heroes who cannot escape ur smoke eg at late game most of the supp die within the smoke if u have decent farm.

*Now diffusal blade cannot be casted on urself meaning u can't remove dust. which makes u very vulnerable to dust.

*Make phase boots if the enemy team have high mobility heroes like mirana etc.


*Buy sentry wards if needed its better than dying.

*Always check enemies inventory for dust and sentry.

*Haste and Double damage runes are best ganking tools for riki.

*Use ur ulti to finish off running enemies. like if there are kiting u by rotating around the tree or hiding in shadows.



*Permanent invisibility.
*Can use items without breaking invisibility.
*Very mobile.


*Low health points and regen.
*Low base damage.
*Can be countered by dusts and wards.

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