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Riki 1-0-1

February 17, 2013 by Mis-Fire
Comments: 0    |    Views: 4906    |   

Generic Build

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

1 12 13 14

Blink Strike

2 3 5 7

Tricks of the Trade

4 8 9 10

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18


Hi, I've been playing Riki for a few weeks now, and he's my fav character so far. I love the challenge of keeping him alive early on darting in and out of range to last hit as much as possible.

But the real fun happens if you can get Riki into the mid/late game with some nice items. I've found few hero's with the same level that can match Riki 1 on 1. (So much fun to watch them turn their back on me and run trololol).

Having said all that I'm no expert and there are probably better guides out there. Tbh I've really written this guide more for myself. My memory isn't great, so it's useful to know what order to buy things in and what low levels items can be upgraded.

As I play Riki more I'll probably add a few more builds so If you find this useful then great!

Pros / Cons

~ Reliable Ganker
~ Carries well into late game
~ Silence
~ Great chaser
~ Permanent Invisibility
~ Good Farmer

~ Somewhat Squishy
~ If denied farm, falls off easily
~ Easily countered with Gem, Dust or Wards
~ Focused in Teamfights

Ability Breakdown

Smoke Screen

- Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels.

Level 1 - 250 AoE, 40% miss.
Level 2 - 275 AoE, 50% miss.
Level 3 - 300 AoE, 60% miss.
Level 4 - 325 AoE, 70% miss.

Mana Cost: 75/ 80/ 85/ 90
Cooldown: 13

Blink Strike

- Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.

Level 1 - Deals 30 extra damage.
Level 2 - Deals 60 extra damage.
Level 3 - Deals 90 extra damage.
Level 4- Deals 120 extra damage.

Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 30/ 20/ 10/ 5


- The Stealth Assassin is not afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.

Level 1 - Deals .25x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 2 - Deals .5x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 3 - Deals .75x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target.

Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A

Permanent Invisibility

Rikimaru becomes permanently invisible when not attacking

Level 1 - 3.5 second fade time.
Level 2 - 2.5 second fade time.
Level 3 - 1.5 second fade time.

Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A

Sourced from

Who to lane with


Crystal Maiden



Shadow Shaman


Who not to lane with

Other Carries

Who to lane against

Any lane with 1 range or less.

Who not to lane against

Bounty Hunter - His ultimate is a pain but can be countered with Diffusial Purge.

Huskar - His spears own you early game

Slardar - His ult stops you from being invisible.

Doom Bringer - Silence stops you from being invisible and will most likely kill you.

Bloodseeker - Blood Rage + Rupture...guess yourselves...Altough Blood Rage can be purged,Rupture cannot.

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