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17 Votes

Rexxar - The Ultimate Animal

April 2, 2012 by TheManofSteal
Comments: 10    |    Views: 65928    |   

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13o13 | October 23, 2012 8:19pm
rush neccro 3... that's guaranteed kill for you.. and if you're on the radiant side you can stack creep camps by using your boar.. every 52 sec.. and if you stack it up to 8 mins.. youll get necro 3 at 11 mins... with boar and 2 necros. DEAD:)
Caelath | October 14, 2012 5:37am
Maybe buy a soul ring at some point? I find it excellent for Beastmaster especially for farming stacked ancients...
kirbyruled (16) | June 10, 2012 5:32pm
Hugorv23 wrote:

In what order do I get the items? :/

I'm not the author but based on what he presented, logically you should:

1) Start with what he mentioned or something similar (maybe some Branches).
1a) Courier your Bottle to you with your first 600g (if solo mid).

2) Complete Treads/Bracer.

3) Finish Drum.

4) Buy Blink Dagger/Necrobook; get both eventually, but the order is up to you. If you're not sure which to get first, ask yourself: "Am I having trouble getting a good Roar off? Or am I having more difficulty doing damage post Roar?"

5) Purchase luxuries like Vladmir's, Basher, Heart or BKB, depending on what your situation calls for, be it more auras for pushing, more DPS/Bash for locking down/killing key targets, increased bulk in fights or Magic/CC immunity against mass AoE/stuns. Pipe is also an option if you need to protect not only yourself but your team from strong AoE Magic spells.

As a standard reminder, be sure to always carry at least one Town Portal Scroll post 6.
Hugorv23 | June 10, 2012 3:39pm
In what order do I get the items? :/
Yoshi guy | April 28, 2012 4:11am
In what order do I get the items? Thanks.
Sublime#153706 | November 23, 2011 7:22am
+1 this is how I see players that stomp with BM play.
ixFusion (8) | November 20, 2011 12:33am
I wouldn't mind knowing an order of what to buy list ether.
TheManofSteal (1) | November 19, 2011 8:51pm
Added Basher as suggested
PotM_Plz (19) | November 19, 2011 7:58pm
Nice Guide :)
just a suggestion, You should add Basher to the optional item list
dirrwen (10) | November 19, 2011 5:56am
Nice, pretty much all the good items to get on Rexxar. Cant wait till the guide gets an actual written part ;)
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