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17 Votes

Rexxar - Blood Sport

November 26, 2011 by Stoli
Comments: 2    |    Views: 76996    |   

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DotA2 Hero: Beastmaster

Hero Skills

Rugged (Innate)

Wild Axes

1 4 8 9

Call of the Wild Boar

2 3 5 7

Call of the Wild Hawk

2 3 5 7

Inner Beast

10 12 13 14

Primal Roar

6 11 16


15 17 18


I suggest you only play BM if you are confident you can micro it.

Hotkey the boar to something different than your hero, and the hawk to another hotkey.

At times, you will want to select boar and hero, but being able to run away while your boar autos the correct hero is far more essential than having your boar attack what you do.

BM is basically useless if not solo mid, so only play him if you are confident you can do so.

Using Axes

Cast the max range. That and practice is all there is to it.

Using Summons

it's very easy to use. Just make sure you're hero is somewhere safe, and send it on top of a cliff you want to see around. Keep in mind, if you see them and are not on a cliff, odds are, they can see you, and if they are organized that will mean they call for allies to countergank.

Typical rune spots are useful, but before greater hawk you need to put it their, then manually glance over and have it flying directly over the rune to see it.

It's also essential you can jump back and forth, since you often need to scout with this to be confident you land axes to finish off fleeing heroes.

It gives 65g on death, so don't let them kill it!

One of the best slows in the game, decent damage early game, and something that, even if they disable you, will not stop slowing them down. :)

I use my boar for everything from lasthitting, to escaping, to tanking the tower while I dive (or tanking for its slows more often, since they nerfed its hp).

Auto it on the enemy hero in lane, and ensure it's either targeted on a hero before you roar, or off cooldown so you can summon and target it on a hero immediately after roar.

Mild Annoyances

Doom's devour, clockworks missile, furions ult (if the team is extensively using observer wards), enchantress, and chen can all take your creeps. This isn't a big deal, but like the chapter title says, can surprise you.

The gold furion and CW can get from your hawk IS a big deal though. Ensure you use it carefully to avoid this, mistakes are unavoidable but try to limit them by hiding the summon, staying away from popular rune spots, etc. (**** lane wards)

Using Roar

Most important is target choice. Only use it on a support if you can kill them before they cast long cooldown spells. Only use it on a carry if they are a glass cannon (ie, use it on a weaver, not a DK, unless that DK has radiance mkb and the weaver has heart).

Second, but still important, is that you cast it on a target in the back of multiple heroes, so that as many heroes as possible are hit with the minor damage, and MS/IAS slow.


Did you read the title? DO SO EVERY 2 MINUTES. Know where/what the 00:00 rune was, the 2:00, 4:00, 6:00 etc runes as well. This is most important at 6 and after a few axe spams (even moreso at 7 when dd/invis/illusion + boar can make for an easy effective tower dive), especially if you went bottle, but even if not, you need to make sure the enemy solo doesn't pick these up to rape your sidelanes.

Every rune can be valuable, they are just situational. It's almost always better to save it for when it will be situationally most useful.. on the other hand, if you know a new rune is spawning (especially at levels below 6, or when roar is cooldown) you should probably just spam axes a few times, ensuring you get 2-3 cs and some harass on the other solo.

That's also when it can be ideal to level axes first; say you have a regen in bottle at 2 or 4, axes at 3 or 5 might delay your effectively ganking, but make the other solo go heal/land a kill with a nuke combo (usually requires either a nuking roam or poor play by the other solo, but still) then that's obviously better.

On the other hand, if you have a dd or illusion, boar is vastly superior. Plus, if you are trying to maximize the regen heal, being surprised by an enemy (you would have seen with hawk) when you are trading hits with the other solo ****ing SUCKS.

Playstyle in general.

Pretty basic. If you can't kill the other solo (say, it's a pudge, or an AA tower hugging) then go roam with whatever rune you get.

You want to lead ganks, but you don't want to be so far ahead that your team isn't taking advantage of roar's stun. Make sure your boar is autoing a hero that is advantageous; either a hero trying to escape the focus of your allies auto attacks, or a hero with good sustained damage your allies are trying to escape from (for example, AM).

Soloing against a stronger solo

Luckily, BM beats most solos, but some, like AA, bat, SF, etc, can destroy him with ranged harass and even bigger nukes than he has.

You essentially need to build ONLY 3 GG branches and 1x tango, lasthit/get 2 creeps+hero hit every cast of axes until you have bottle, and then make sure you get every rune with your hawk to find it + boar slow to prevent them from taking it before you. You probably can't kill them without a roam if they play well, but you can force them to not deny you very well, and use all their regen. At 6/7, you rape their sidelanes, and beg one of the allies from the sidelane to roam and give the closer to carry hero in that lane some farm, when you can 2v1 them easily with boar.


Just make sure to adapt.

If they have Lich/Lesh/AA, and no one on your team responds (or responds negatively) to "anyone going pipe?" then make one.

If they have non-agility (and non-DK) heroes, and/or you have physical DPS heroes, medallion is fantastic. (ie, if you are the team with Lich/Lesh/AA, you probably don't need it)

If you need to turtle, stay alive and spam axes on the creep wave from a safe distance so they can't push.

If you have pushers, get your team organized to gank/smoke and take one out, then kill a tower.

If you have gankers, roam with them and scout for them.

If your runes are being contested by their supports, stick to the tower, and consider skipping the bottle for medallion/urn (you get a substantial amount of mana regen, hp, armor and it's not rune dependent). You won't succeed against a solo AND a roaming support, so when it's time to fight, you'll have an ally who will greatly benefit from the -6 armor on the hero you are focusing.

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