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Reweaving the Loom- A Weaver Guide

May 27, 2013 by rambounicorns
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Build 1
Build 2
Build 3

Linkens-MKB (Single target casters)

DotA2 Hero: Weaver

Hero Skills

Rewoven (Innate)

The Swarm

4 12 13 14


1 3 5 7

Geminate Attack

2 8 9 10

Time Lapse

6 11 16


15 17 18

Reweaving the Loom- A Weaver Guide

May 27, 2013


Hello, I am Rambounicorns, and this is a guide for Weaver. Weaver is played as a semi or hard carry, depending on how you build him, with a very strong laning stage, and due to his shukuchi and germinate attack, he is a viable choice for an offlane solo. Weaver is squishy, but has strong survivability due to his timelapse and shukuchi, and high damage output from his germinate attack, which gives him an extra attack every so and then, making him a strong carry late game once he gets his damage items. This build assumes you can average at least 350 gpm, preferably ~400 to maximize your effectiveness at all stages of the game.



I like to play Weaver in 3 different ways: Linkens-MKB if your team is going for later game and the other team has good single target spells, Radiance-BKB if your going for more of a mid game strategy while the other team has strong casters, and Medallion-Desolator-AC is built if your team has an armor reduction strategy while the other team has no relevant casters and you can focus safely on right-click damage to buff up your germinate attack. When going Linkens and damage rush builds, you want to replace treads with phase boots because they give you flat damage, which is something you lack/need early game, especially Linkens because you have no early game damage. Radiance is more of a mid-game strategy, where you can combine radiance burn, shukuchi, and the 60 damage boost from radiance+germinate attack to dominate fights. Linkens is a late game strategy, in which you rush linkens to prevent stuns from preventing you from using time lapse to add to your survivability as well as letting you spam shukuchi. However, this gives you next to no damage, which means you're kind of useless before you get a damage item. The armor reduction strategy, again, favors mid game, by simply lowering armor like crazy then adding germinate attack and crits. It usually allows you to dominate mid game and then transition into a hard carry right clicker role late game, giving your team a significant advantage.


The Swarm:
This skill spawns a bunch of spiderlings that cling on to units and attack them, doing minor damage and reducing 1 armor each hit. This skill is quite versatile and can be used to scout(3000 range!), followup an initiation in a teamfight, open up a gank, or to tower dive by spawning spiderlings and forcing towers to attack them instead of you. They take a ****load of tower hits to kill, so spawn spiders, shukuchi past them, and kill them if you want to chase.

This skill is what makes you so dominant in lane. When you pair up with a support with disables or slows, (lion, leshrac, lina, venomancer, etc) you can easily get first blood at level 2 combined with germinate attack. When you use it, make sure to get a last hit on the way to your target! :)

Germinate Attack:
This is why you can carry and partially why you can kill anyone equally farmed as you in a 1v1. You basically attack an extra time every so often; it's one of the biggest steroids in the game. This is why I like to build damage early and **** linkens.

Time lapse:
Ahh... this is one of the most annoying skills in Dota, which will make or break your Weaver experience. You can use this when you are low in a 1v1 and restore to HP and Mana from what you had 5 seconds ago, or you can use this to make a quick trip to the fountain and lapse back. Remember that if you're disabled, you can't use this so make sure you have a BKB or Linkens if you're up against casters.

Pros / Cons

Great laning stage
Can get fast first bloods
Snowballs out of control if he gets a few laning stage kills
One of the best tower divers; best tower diving skill
Invis, MAX ms, and damage in one skill!
Time lapse. Nuff said.
Germinate attack gives him ridiculous damage output
2 shots supports once he gets crit items

Super Squishy
Very susceptible to disables
Possible mana problems mid-game
Countered by invis detection
Can't solo mid
If you go Linkens and you cant find farm, gg for you and probably your team.

Hero Synergy

I will classify heroes into 'tiers' of effectiveness as following; Tier 1 is best, 2 slightly worse, and so on.

Tier 1:
LION- impale into shukuchi then autoattacks with your germinate attack is almost 100% kill.
BLOODSEEKER- a support bloodseeker can buff up your autoattack even more, as well as chase.
CHEN- if chen and his creeps can't help you, no one can.

Tier 2:
VENOMANCER- gale is a great slow, sets up good kills
KEEPER OF THE LIGHT- never have mana problems, good kill setup abilities
SHADOW SHAMAN- this guy will let you just walk up to someone he's binding and kill them

Tier 3:
WARLOCK- this guy can keep you in lane and set up decent ganks, but not too good
ZEUS- this guy can setup kills easily, but will probably end up stealing them
VIPER- this guy is one of the best, but he's also a carry. Don't lane with him!

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