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July 1, 2013 by Raylos
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Raylos | August 13, 2014 8:06am
Bump, do comment on it :D
Midkar | August 23, 2013 6:30am
Nice, that's the way I play undying too, and I must say it works quite well. U wont have a faboulus kill/death rateo, but I always get tons of assist for all the won teamfights.
Raylos | July 1, 2013 11:16pm

Interesting build, I'll try it when I get a chance.

I don't see why you wouldn't simply go Arcane Boots for his mana problems, he needs the +250 mana pool moreso than regen, and the boots give both (while tranqs are a liability, and the heal isn't necessary). The RoB isn't enough (because your manapool will be so small), and you really can't afford to wait for more expensive items later (Atos, Euls etc).

I also can't justify not taking your ult at lvl6 (especially for Soul Rip). Your ult is easily your strongest ability - the tombstone doesn't become effective until a few rounds of zombies come out/enemies are low HP, and it gives the enemy a chance to run away or kill the stone. Your ult comes with insane damage amp, a modest slow, and a built-in heal - more effective than your tombstone and much more effective than one level of soul rip.

It seems to me like you're building him as something he isn't meant to be. Undying excels at being a massive AOE/teamfight presence that weakens the enemy team. The tank build is there because it helps him stay alive longer (and that is your job - to stay alive and make your enemies weaker simply by standing there with ult aura and stone). I don't personally like the tank build, but you do need to be able to survive teamfights. Usually, stout shield and mek/bracer or drum are good enough. Medallion seems like a bad idea given your terrible armor (and it's not worth it if you're not using the ability). Late-game items in my opinion should be shiva's or atos (slow keeps enemies near you/your stone).

Good guide overall, but I don't think you gave enough credit to the ultimate

thanks for the comments

1) I think i explained it in a reply, the point of the tranquil boots is for the hp (obviously lol) but the thing is that it is to save the soul reap for either healing his allies or nuking his opponents. This build isn't meant to spam your skills every now and than, but to wait for the right opportunity to place Ur tombstones/cast your other skill spells. With tranquil boots, undying will be able to stay in lane much more longer because if he were just to rely on his soul reap, enemies can easily force him out of lane very easily. therefore, he should have tranquil to help him stay in lane longer in conjunction with his soul reap if the need arise. Or else he can just nuke his opponents or simply heal his allies which is a lot more beneficial for his teams. RoB is quite enough actually. Because it would be turned into tranquil boots + medallion of Courage. Of course mana issues will certainly be faced here and there but if you weigh it to staying in lane longer to get more exp and gold, its certainly more worth it! :)

2) I agree that his ultimate is powerful and scary, but I think that it would be better to not pick it up at 6 because the level 2 heal can really save people. In my opinion, at level 6, there won't be as much team fights as you would expect it to be so there isn't really a big need to put a skill in the ultimate until the need arise. (usually I add the ultimate at level 9). The heal at level 2 can be a lot more beneficial than diving into fights with your ultimate especially when fights are not as often as they seem at level 6. but if you feel a pressing urge to add your ultimate or not follow my build at all, be all means, you can do so :)

3) Indeed, i ain't going the typical-stand-in-fights-amplify-damage-undying. Instead, i'm trying a new play style where you focus more on the zombies and not rely too much on your ultimate. If your ultimate helps in the fights, GOOD FOR YOU! But your items should be more focused on helping your zombies spawn so that they can deal massive damage + the amplification of your ultimate. see where i am going? Team fights are no more longer going to be hinged upon your ultimate, but both your ultimate and your zombies because all you got to do is disable a certain hero that you dislike long enough for your zombies to spawn. Medallion is to help early game mana regen + you can activate it from far and let your zombies + right clickers do the job of dealing heavier damage. And if its not active, the extra Armour is pretty handy too. Indeed, he is suppose to have a heavy Team fight presence, therefore, max out your zombies, let your minions do the job :)

Thank you for your feedback! Feel free to continue commenting

Raylos | July 1, 2013 11:03pm
nuclearengie wrote:

Nice guide, you give good justifications and really point out his powerful tombstone. One thing I would like to point out is that you keep soul rip at lvl 2 until you get to lvl 6 and then you max it out. Soul rip is most efficient at lvl 2. There are usually more than 5 units around you at a time but less than 10 (4 dire creeps + 4 radiant creeps + some heroes). Keeping this at 2 is good so you can put some points in decay to make it more powerful. If your build is more focused on having lots of team fights, then this is a good order.

Thank you! Yeah that was what i was thinking too but it would be an optional build which i was thinking of adding. But for this build, the point is to maximise the tombstones so that it can be a heavy hitter in team fights especially in mid games where people will not expect your tombstone to be so painful.
Raylos | July 1, 2013 11:00pm
Paperbags wrote:

I can't see what exactly you're attempting to build the hero as. The item and skill choices make sense, but is this a support build? Carry? I really can't tell.

Besides that, the guide is fairly well done (could be a bit longer and more in-depth) and I think you're heading in the right direction.

Hello, thanks for viewing this guide.

Apparently in my guide, i stated that 'Remember that you are suppose to Save your team and your Zombies are your Big Guns. This build is not for a tank, but more of a Utility'. Apologies if it isn't clear enough, but the point of this guide is to win team fights, and not to tank or carry. He is meant to maximize his tombstone potential. Which is to let as many zombies spawn as possible. To do so, he is not meant to farm hard but to have more of a support role where he amplifies damage with his ultimate + let his zombie spawn for useful slow and damage.

HAHA yes i can tell it needs a lot of work done, but as im getting quite busy recently, I am going to work bit by bit on it. Thank you for your feedback! Appreciate it
Raylos | July 1, 2013 10:55pm
Atlas wrote:

I don't see why Medalion is suggested on a hero that doesn't really do that much physical damage. If you need to fix his mana problems, I'd go with the standard mana boots, which in turn also heal you since you have Soul Rip and can afford to cast it with Arcane Boots. With Arcane's, you're eliminating the need for either of those items with just one on this particular hero.

And Mek is pretty core in my opinion. Yes it falls off, but there's a reason you always see a Mek early on in pro games. The teamwide 250 heal + armor really does determine the fight in many cases. As long as you're getting it before 40 minutes, I'd always say it's worth it, because collectively it's giving 1250 HP to your team.

Right hello! firstly thanks for your comments.

Ok the reason why i chose medallion is because it can be used to reduce another hero's armour + give you more armour while it is not active so that it actually helps you dish out more damage and help you survive whilst the mana regen helps you solve your mana issue.

Tranquil is better in my opinion is because it helps you stay in lane longer especially with the frequent heals whilst you may want to keep your soul reap for your team mates/ nuking. Mek in my opinion is not really essential in this build because the main core for this is your tombstone+ your ulti power so that amount of gold can be better used. But it is really up to preference, i for one do not think Mek is that useful in comparison to Eul's, Atos, Probably even shiva. But then again, it depends on the situation too. If your team needs a mek, by all means, get one.
jawbreaker261 (4) | July 1, 2013 10:44am
Interesting build, I'll try it when I get a chance.

I don't see why you wouldn't simply go Arcane Boots for his mana problems, he needs the +250 mana pool moreso than regen, and the boots give both (while tranqs are a liability, and the heal isn't necessary). The RoB isn't enough (because your manapool will be so small), and you really can't afford to wait for more expensive items later (Atos, Euls etc).

I also can't justify not taking your ult at lvl6 (especially for Soul Rip). Your ult is easily your strongest ability - the tombstone doesn't become effective until a few rounds of zombies come out/enemies are low HP, and it gives the enemy a chance to run away or kill the stone. Your ult comes with insane damage amp, a modest slow, and a built-in heal - more effective than your tombstone and much more effective than one level of soul rip.

It seems to me like you're building him as something he isn't meant to be. Undying excels at being a massive AOE/teamfight presence that weakens the enemy team. The tank build is there because it helps him stay alive longer (and that is your job - to stay alive and make your enemies weaker simply by standing there with ult aura and stone). I don't personally like the tank build, but you do need to be able to survive teamfights. Usually, stout shield and mek/bracer or drum are good enough. Medallion seems like a bad idea given your terrible armor (and it's not worth it if you're not using the ability). Late-game items in my opinion should be shiva's or atos (slow keeps enemies near you/your stone).

Good guide overall, but I don't think you gave enough credit to the ultimate
nuclearengie | July 1, 2013 7:25am
Nice guide, you give good justifications and really point out his powerful tombstone. One thing I would like to point out is that you keep soul rip at lvl 2 until you get to lvl 6 and then you max it out. Soul rip is most efficient at lvl 2. There are usually more than 5 units around you at a time but less than 10 (4 dire creeps + 4 radiant creeps + some heroes). Keeping this at 2 is good so you can put some points in decay to make it more powerful. If your build is more focused on having lots of team fights, then this is a good order.
Paperbags (2) | June 30, 2013 10:15am
I can't see what exactly you're attempting to build the hero as. The item and skill choices make sense, but is this a support build? Carry? I really can't tell.

Besides that, the guide is fairly well done (could be a bit longer and more in-depth) and I think you're heading in the right direction.
Atlas (117) | June 30, 2013 6:14am
I don't see why Medalion is suggested on a hero that doesn't really do that much physical damage. If you need to fix his mana problems, I'd go with the standard mana boots, which in turn also heal you since you have Soul Rip and can afford to cast it with Arcane Boots. With Arcane's, you're eliminating the need for either of those items with just one on this particular hero.

And Mek is pretty core in my opinion. Yes it falls off, but there's a reason you always see a Mek early on in pro games. The teamwide 250 heal + armor really does determine the fight in many cases. As long as you're getting it before 40 minutes, I'd always say it's worth it, because collectively it's giving 1250 HP to your team.
Raylos | June 30, 2013 5:18am
thank you for your comment!

The reason why i placed it under luxury is because usually after i get Atos, Eul's and Medallion, I move on to Shiva guard because of its AOE damage + Slow which helps the zombie spawn. And usually the game ends by than. But sure, Meka under situational Core is reasonable too. Shall add it in. Thank you!
porygon361 (46) | June 30, 2013 3:04am
I don't think Mekansm is considered a luxury item. It is more useful earlier in the game and drops off late game (due to everyone's health and damage becoming higher as they level up). I would consider it a "Situational Core" that you get after your Medallion of Courage or Rod of Atos.
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