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doe I just wanna thank you for this amazaing guide..
Just finished my second game using SF and it was a light year difference between my first
one where I totally sucked and was a useless **** and we lost..
I got frustrated but I know SF is a nice hero, so I searched for I guide and kaboom I found this..
took a couple of minutes to run down the gist and went on playing..
almost all of your advices I used it in the recent game..
items: PT, 2 wraith bands, bottle, then BLINK dagger (most important! game changer..)
then was able to buy Butterfly, then Desolator..
I was already Godlike when I had my butterfly..
it was like from Zero to Hero.. from worst player to best player of the game..
thanks dude.. --- VanKonzen [PH] =)
Glad to hear that it helped you. I appreciate it.
I am not sure about continuing this guide, but it seems like there is a lot of interest in it. Thanks guys, love you!
Just finished my second game using SF and it was a light year difference between my first
one where I totally sucked and was a useless **** and we lost..
I got frustrated but I know SF is a nice hero, so I searched for I guide and kaboom I found this..
took a couple of minutes to run down the gist and went on playing..
almost all of your advices I used it in the recent game..
items: PT, 2 wraith bands, bottle, then BLINK dagger (most important! game changer..)
then was able to buy Butterfly, then Desolator..
I was already Godlike when I had my butterfly..
it was like from Zero to Hero.. from worst player to best player of the game..
thanks dude.. --- VanKonzen [PH] =)
how do you deal with heroes like spirit breaker I just get charged mid every second and he usually just ults me every fight and I die from being stunned or they all run away
To be honest, such heroes are really mean for you. Try not to be charged and if you get charged, try to get in range with your teammates. You are too squishy to 1n1 a Spirit Breaker in a straight 1n1. You need some disable, but if you got that you should be able to stomp him.
In teamfights, stay out of the range until your initiator (like SK, Tidehunter, Magnus etc. pp.) goes in and follow up with your Dagger/Ult Combo.
I don't like how people write the Shadow Blade off as far worse than a Blink Dagger. I prefer Shadow Blade over Blink Dagger when playing Shadow Fiend because Shadow Blade is more useful for escape, and it allows him to use Requiem of Souls inside of enemies, I only have played in pub games, but I would imagine that teams would be better about warding and using Dust in team play. I agree that for heros like Enigma, Blink Dagger is far better because getting there and initiating is more important, but then again, dying as Enigma isn't nearly as big of a problem than if playing as Shadow Fiend.
My guide should be not about pub stomping, it contains in-depth content as well. This is usually for players who want to master SF and play vs more skilled players, who are able to buy wards and dust.
In publics I prefer Shadow Blade over Dagger as well, since you've got a great damage boost and another escape mechanic, but in high-skilled or more clanwars you should be using a dagger.
how do you deal with heroes like spirit breaker I just get charged mid every second and he usually just ults me every fight and I die from being stunned or they all run away
I am just a beginner with Shadow Fiend. I like all of your suggestions, so i'm gonna try that.
Thanks a lot :)
Great I could help you! :)
Thanks a lot :)