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9 Votes

Refresher Orb Tidehunter with gameplay video

March 29, 2012 by Realister
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6shots | March 29, 2012 1:54am
recently my team mates playes as tide..and we're playing 3vs5..2 of our teammates,our opponent sure need a lot of times to defeat i played as lich. 2Aoe..and for sure tide use orb..that's the key for a long game to defend..
Realister | March 29, 2012 12:39am
HamSandwich wrote:

That's because refresher isn't a very good item. A good team will just buy BKBs or kill tide before his combo finishes (or even starts).

This is why I said you need to stay back when you finish refresher. I specifically said you will get focused so play care and wait to initiate.

Also watch my gameplay video. You can see that bkbs did not save the enemy. If u finish refresher by 30m mark only their carry will have a bkb (if anything) and what can he do alone while his whole team is getting ravaged?

You can also watch a semifinal star game by AL. Their tide built refresher so it works in pro mode too.
HamSandwich (34) | March 28, 2012 9:54pm
weebaer wrote:

few poeple realize the importance of a refresher

That's because refresher isn't a very good item. A good team will just buy BKBs or kill tide before his combo finishes (or even starts).
weebaer | March 28, 2012 9:20am
great job Realister.

few poeple realize the importance of a refresher leviathon or a refresher rooftrellen when he is introduced.

I still advise new players a couple of krakens early to ensure survivability and as a result less gold loss due to dying. This is great skill build for players who know what they are doing though.

great job.
Balder (5) | March 28, 2012 8:29am
You should recheck my Balanar guide, I added Urn in Core as you suggested, maybe now you can take that Downvote away.

Nice Idea refresher on tide btw.
Pontic | March 27, 2012 6:04pm
Cool video.
Pontic | March 27, 2012 5:51pm
Game breaking if gets farmed early enough.
Hunter#205379 | March 27, 2012 5:48pm
Orb on Tide wins games. But its not that easy to farm it. I suggest trying it out with bots first so you get the feel of it.
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