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4 Votes

Red N' Blue Deadpool

August 9, 2012 by xAwesomeman
Comments: 9    |    Views: 7474    |   

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Serpico | August 12, 2012 4:31am
And I just noticed that those 4 wins are all in the same day. I'd like to get more kills with Broodmother, I do well right at the start but then spend the whole match pushing and hiding.
Serpico | August 12, 2012 4:24am
Interesting build. I'll have a look at some of your matches that you showed in your image.
xCO2 (72) | August 10, 2012 7:46pm
xAwesomeman wrote:

There are builds for a reason. Not everyone uses each hero the same. Why come to dotafire for builds, if you expect every build to be the same. I put the build up, only because I have had a good outcome with it.

Again, test the build before commenting.

It's nice to see the community on dotafire is ****, so far.

Also, I would like to know why you think this build would need mana regen. Please tell me.

Stop bumping your own guide because it isn't getting attention, it doesn't help getting noticed at all and just clutters the side feed on the main page.

Now, what they are trying to say, and have a good point, is that brood needs some form of mana. Any agility hero with this build can accomplish the results you posted, which is irrelevant because in each of those you were facing a group of players that did overall horrible. No one needs to test the build to understand how it works either, I know the kit for brood and it doesn't take too much imagination to figure out how, you personally, play her.

I'm not going to down vote the guide/build just yet, I'll wait to see if you add anything; but generally as a rule of thumb you should add at least a short description of how to manage a play when providing a play style that is unique to a character. Leaving your sections blank will just open up to bad criticism, but if you provide an argument to your build, people will tend to at least try to understand where you are coming from.

The bash on this site's small community was also unnecessary, and unwelcome. Do not do it again.
xAwesomeman (1) | August 10, 2012 12:34pm
>guise, guise. This build sucks because it's not the way I play. Omigod.
xAwesomeman (1) | August 10, 2012 12:27pm
There are builds for a reason. Not everyone uses each hero the same. Why come to dotafire for builds, if you expect every build to be the same. I put the build up, only because I have had a good outcome with it.

Again, test the build before commenting.

It's nice to see the community on dotafire is ****, so far.

Also, I would like to know why you think this build would need mana regen. Please tell me.
Starbucks 64 (3) | August 10, 2012 10:04am
1. You don't get hunger until lvl 10, because you max spiderlings and your web first along with 1 lvl of your ult.
2. The other guy is right, she needs mana regen. Soul ring is a must for brood.
Overall this guide is terrably inaccurate. Know what you are talking about before you make a guide as terrible as this one.
xAwesomeman (1) | August 10, 2012 9:52am
And may I add that the way you think Brood is used, is why 9/10 players suck *** with Brood* :3
xAwesomeman (1) | August 10, 2012 9:50am
You're wrong there. Too many people think that she 'needs' mana regen.

This is the only build I use on Brood, and I do perfectly fine. You should test the build before commenting on it.

And for Roshan, she can solo him after she has Vlad/MoM. I do it every time.
Admiral Chocobos (1) | August 10, 2012 8:52am
You kinda......forgot about Broods need for mana regen items. You mainly just gave Brood attacking items, and I don't thing Brood would be able to take on Roshan....
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