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21 Votes

Razor, Overseer of Carries

December 12, 2012 by AwesomeClock
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ThePirateKing | January 23, 2014 4:25am
I highly recommend using the arm let of morridigan (or whatever it's called) for the fact it can give an extra 400 hp when toggled plus attack speed and damage, it's very useful when needing an extra boost, very good on one on ones, it can turn the tide of a battle and rain hurt on the enemy when they think you're dead. It's very useful when running away from ganks or going past towers when on low health, saving your life, it's also a good to use against Zeus and sniper negating damage from their ultimates while retreating, it's good for all heroes and has always served me well, and is cheap for it's buffs
StarWormwood | February 25, 2013 8:21am
Heart+Blade Mail+Butterfly is such a good combination for late game team fights, popping Blade Mail and ult at the same time turns you into an unstoppable killing machine. +1
13o13 | February 23, 2013 7:40pm
Hades4u wrote:

I think you should max Static Link instead of Unstable Current, since it really disables any carry, draining so much damage.

+1, nice guide.

why would you max static link instead of unstabe current? how could you drain the damage if you couldn't catch them up.. make sense?
Nicnac | December 24, 2012 11:13am
i'm very disappointed that you rejected a Vanguard. Yeah the damage is halved but it allows for so much tankability that razor needs in the early-mid game, especially if you can rush it. It is even a core item in his standard default build but that's your opinion. I also think you underestimate the Sange and Sasha... strength for tankability, extra move speed and the passive is very effective in chasing.

Other than those points it's a solid guide. Skill build is good except you might want to consider a few early points into Unstable Current
Mirror (22) | December 12, 2012 6:09pm
I personally love eye of skati on. I lets him chase any hero down and I can most often farm it since he gets free 200 damage from his w. I know it is hardly gotten but it has great sinegry with Razor.

Good guild +1
AwesomeClock | December 10, 2012 6:27pm
Synergy wrote:

What is your opinion on Armlet for Razor?

Is it me or this item a bit popular on AGI carries after the buff? I would personally disagree since he won't have the health pool to support it (getting it too late is a waste) and the bulk of Razor's damage is gained in the early to mid game anyway. He shouldn't have a need for Armlet toggle either since most of the time he's either chasing or just out of the range of most spells.
Synergy (2) | December 10, 2012 1:29am
What is your opinion on Armlet for Razor?
AwesomeClock | December 9, 2012 7:27pm
Synergy wrote:

His reasoning being that damage items are not worth passing up a defensive item, however I agree that it shouldn't be rejected, maybe as a luxury item.

Well, it contradicts my reasoning behind Radiance as an aggressive AoE dps item, so I guess it would make sense to consider Buriza a late game luxury as well. My reasonng behind the Manta isn't for the raw damage, but rather the mix of stats and the potential utility of the active as well (ei removing certain debuffs and dodging spells).
Synergy (2) | December 9, 2012 7:18pm
Wulfstan wrote:

Though I don't understand why is Daedalus rejected.

His reasoning being that damage items are not worth passing up a defensive item, however I agree that it shouldn't be rejected, maybe as a luxury item.
Wulfstan (77) | December 9, 2012 11:58am
Sorry,my bad.
dresmasher (24) | December 9, 2012 11:33am
Wulfstan wrote:

No but if you pop manta after your link is done,then they do get the extra damage.Same as poping armlet then Phantasm on Chaos Knight.Though I don't understand why is Daedalus rejected.

false, illusions don't get the bonus dmg from link, only the main hero does
Wulfstan (77) | December 9, 2012 9:54am
Though I don't understand why is Daedalus rejected.
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