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4 Votes

Rax Shredder

September 17, 2012 by DirtGrub
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DirtGrub (13) | September 18, 2012 2:50pm

critical hit items not necessary, skip for other items

Im assuming you didn't actually read the guide, but the first chapter explains why I left those items on there and the second build is the one that I have finally settled on. Thanks for the comment though
Jonathan Hancock (2) | September 18, 2012 1:03pm
critical hit items not necessary, skip for other items
jaslam (21) | September 18, 2012 6:55am
EXACTLY :) - a good pub line up will disable you, the practice for you is to time your skills, stun or pull first, but never use both - save one for after the disable, then they really can't get away!!
DirtGrub (13) | September 18, 2012 5:40am
Thank you again. I have learned to adjust my builds to the lineup and team match up, more often than not the hard and embarrasing way. I will try the orb of venom out. Chaos Knight + Orb of Venom = you can't run away.
jaslam (21) | September 18, 2012 4:36am
Ye, most str semi'carries - carries would benefit greatly from the item, as well as the urn. Armlett is great, just needs some getting used to.
tweak your build according to the enemy as always - but that will come with experience, that said armlett is core pretty much on any line up.

glad to be of help +1 to you :)

the next item for you to try - Orb of Venom :D get that as a first (bought) item, as in farm the 350 to buy it, don't but it with your starting 600, and your lane opponents will feel it every time you hit! :D
DirtGrub (13) | September 17, 2012 4:10pm
Jaslam- you were very right about the amrlet. I was scared to use it because I did horribly with an armlet as a noob, but that wasn't the armlets fault. The armlet and basher was an excellent combo and the urn I believe is now a must have item. I still went manta and wasn't able to get abyssal but by that time I had taken two rax.
DirtGrub (13) | September 17, 2012 4:07pm
Very nice thought, I had not really considered that weapon. Usually it is hero specific, but with six illusions debuffing armor I believe that is a teamfight win. Thanks for that :D
Glayde (13) | September 17, 2012 3:54pm
Something just popped into my mind, what about Desolater? Good for Rax Shredding as well as some nice damage.
DirtGrub (13) | September 17, 2012 9:50am
Thanks for your persistence on helping me out. I'll try it out and I believe it will work as you seem very confident.
Like I said im a noob and don't know everything, nor have i tried evrything. Thanks again man! :D
jaslam (21) | September 17, 2012 9:27am
put it to you this way - why would the 'item' armlett exist if it wasn't to benefit a hero. It's a great item to build for because it is easy to build, all the components and reciepe cost less than 1k, so it is enough to save up for.
MoM WOULDN'T be better than an Armlett - you mentioned getting bursted down for damage. Armlett give you bonus 25str when active, which I worked out once would take a full 14 seconds (or somethign like that) for an armlett to minus enough hp, and bring you back to square one (IE to offset the hp gained when you activate it) Also don't forget when you have the MoM on, your receive bonus damage, without any stat gains killing you faster - your illusions also do not lifesteal, whereas they WILL gain the +25 str, WITHOUT the minus 37hp/sec. it also heals and has a bonus 5armor thanks to the helm in the reciepe. trust me, try it. Just don't forget to turn it off when the clash is done!
DirtGrub (13) | September 17, 2012 7:46am
I'm not going to do the math on this, but assuming you are trading blows from one other hero, would a MoM be better than an armlet? slighly cheaper, plus lifesteal and no HP drain if you arent trading blows. then you go farm a creep wave and are near full health again, hopefully.
Just to put it out there, I am a noob and still don't know everything yet.
On the abyssal blade, i tend to have a hard time holding on to gold, much less 3800. If the game were going in my favor and I got my manta early enough this seems like an easy feat, but how often in pub games does everything go your way?
on the armlet idea, i just don't like teamfighting with it on, allows you to be nuked down much easier since you are killing yourself.
jaslam (21) | September 17, 2012 7:31am
No probs - arcane boots is worth considering as an early game item - which you could break up / sell for another set of boots 30 minutes into the game. MAGIC wand is a must as always.

Well from the crit point of view - the reason I say you don't need it, because you have it - is you can spend the money on something else - an Abyssal blade for example will give you bash, damage and an INSANE active that goes THROUGH magic immunity bkb for the 1k more. The nice thing about it - is you can build the basher for the start of the game, and still get a few other items for damage, then build the final abysal later on.

Well given your game process for this hero - a GREAT early item is an armlett.. GREAT item, everything you could want on Chaos knight - your illusion also get the + stats from the active, but do not get 37hp/sec drain.. win win ;-)

bare in mind a necro book is hard to build, as you don't realy feel it's effects immediately (until you get the first level, because the bulk of the cost is recipe)
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