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8 Votes

Rampaging Ronin

September 30, 2014 by Beezleboss
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Katsumotosan | December 24, 2014 11:42am
I've been getting daedelus on Jug. Hitting like a ton of bricks. I know he doesn't get full use of the crit stack, but I'm critting for 600-700 a shot a LOT.

Aghs is the absolute must item on Jug. I go Aghs, SB, Daedelus then some combination of BKB, Mjolnier, Butterfly depending on the situation.

Wonder if I should be going Deso instead of Daed. I did refresher orb a few times and that's kind of fun but the cooldown with Aghs is pretty low already on Omni, and there really isn't too much reason to use it more than once in team fights, the other team is going to pretty much die.

I skip drums most of the time to rush Aghs unless the other team is beating us bad early.

Love the guide!
Beezleboss (2) | May 29, 2014 1:50pm
Sorry it took me so long... Yes I will make edits... Thank you so much for the the feedback!
vagnox | April 21, 2014 4:35am
i think for the alternate build, Bottle will be a good extension in ganking phase so you don't always have to run to base when out of mana or health

P.S : how about adding section about using Town Portal Scroll while doing Blade Fury for escape ??
Illumination0110 (2) | March 29, 2014 8:53am
I would love to see you include Skull Basher/ Abyssal Blade :D Nice build !
eeon (6) | March 17, 2014 10:19am
Much better, nice job!
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | March 8, 2014 12:31am
Now I wouldn't rush a Battle Fury on Juggernaut. He doesn't have to do splash damage. A core on Juggernaut should be Phase Boots, Drum of Endurance, Poor Man's Shield and Manta Style. Picking up Vladmir's Offering is just good on Juggernaut. Abyssal Blade can be also purchased as late or a situational item. Satanic is a late to and Assault Cuirass. I would actually max Blade Fury and Blade Dance first till level 9. Level 10 Healing War, Level 11 Omnislash and so on.
Beezleboss (2) | March 5, 2014 5:07pm
Updated the guide to add a few builds that I am currently experimenting with. Feel free to test them and tell me how they work.
saifthedestroyer (6) | March 5, 2014 10:07am
I suggest adding drums dude they are just too good on jugg. I usually go: poor mans, phase, drums, aghs then follow it up with some carryish items. Also remove the bfury ppl think its a dmg item its actually a farming item >_>
mastadoom (7) | March 5, 2014 5:34am
I really like this guide and I feel that is has good info for a person who new to jugg, but understands the game well. I just want to see an alternate skill build for if I want to get ward earlier, or an item build with progression on if I can't get a BF by the 20 min.
Ancient Hero (17) | March 5, 2014 3:45am
The problem is that you arent a late game hero that wants to farm for 30 minutes. Jugg is the early/mid game hero that creates a lead to end the game. Battle fury doesnt really help for that and your cleave during omni slash wont do much.
Beezleboss (2) | March 5, 2014 2:36am
The thing about Battle Fury is that if you, like me have completely dominated your lane to the point where you have free farm, Battlefury makes that farm much easier. I can understand why you wouldn't pick it up, but I have never gotten later than a 19 minute Battlefury and after that I have had almost complete free farm. Not having Battlefury in a free farm situation I believe is a mistake because with the cleave and damage you should last hit every creep, every time.
R-Conqueror (24) | March 4, 2014 11:10pm
I definetely like to get a Perseverance, lets him sustain his mana pool, but going into Battle Fury is often not the way to go. That being said, I love your choice of Mjollnir as I think it is a really underrated item and I believe it will work during Omnislash.
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