Rage quitting Drow build
April 2, 2013
Speed kills, and Drow kills faster
This build is made with one thing in mind. To make people rage quit..
Speed is everything, frost arrows suck. Just get this idea in your head and people will trip their shadow blade or blink out the second they see you.
If you follow the item build as written, you can jungle from L6 to L11 within 5 minutes. Once you have the second ulti you will most likely have your boots and shadow blade purchased. Time for hero hunting.
Yes, the speed boost from tripping the mask then shadow blade makes you run like a raped ape. What I like to do is get within range of my target but just out of radar and trip the mask and shadow blade and get right behind them. Then BOOM, first shot +150 dmg and just wait for them to die. The lifesteal combined with the speed boost from the mask makes them literally melt infront of you. Suppliment with Mjollnir and Butterfly, heat stir, grab a Divine Rapier to be a complete douche and wait in anticipation for the first rage quitter / noob caller to flame the chat box.
Master this technique!
Mask of Madness then Shadow Blade. Practice getting just out of mini-map visual range, trip the mask then the blade for a ridiculous speed boost and get in visual range of your target... open fire! Best to get behind them as far out as possible, by the time they realize where you are, they are already dead.
The big complaint!
Where are your frost arrow man?
Firstly, frost arrow doesn't stack with the mask of madness.
Secondly, Drow's damage comes from it's speed, not how hard it hits. With the mjollnir and butterfly in hand your dps goes through the roof due to the speed in which you shoot. Would you rather have 5 devastating shots in 4 seconds, or ten smaller shots in 3 seconds?
Don't worry about the big hits, your damage and speed items will more than make up for it.
Speed speed speed!
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