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Qwerty45518's Guide to Viper

February 8, 2013 by qwerty45518
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DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

2 3 5 7


1 4 8 9

Corrosive Skin

10 12 13 14

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

Qwerty45518's Guide to Viper

February 8, 2013


The malevolent familiar of a sadistic wizard who captured and hoped to tame him, Viper was curiously glad to have been sprung from the sealed and unchanging subterranean Nether Reaches where his race had lived for millions of years, after tectonic slippage had sealed off the Netherdrakes in luminous caverns. Viper spent some time appearing to submit to the wizard's enchainments, hoping to learn what he could of the dark magics the mage practiced. But he soon realized that few spells were as deadly as the toxins that were his birthright. Exuding an acid that swiftly ate away the bars of his cage, the Netherdrake slipped free of his confines, spit poison in the old spellcaster's eyes, and soared out to let the world know that it had a new master.


Viper is a Ranged Agility Hero who can function as an excellent ganker or carry due to is wide arsenal of slows, and his great ability to provide Damage Over Time, as well as his low cooldown ultimate. However, Viper doesn't have much survivability early game because he has little escape capability and low starting HP.


Poison Attack
Intensifies Viper's venom, adding an effect to his normal attack that slows attack and movement speed while dealing damage over time

Affects:Enemy Units

Mana Cost:20/20/20/20

Atk and Move Speed Slow:10%/20%/30%/40%
Damage Per Second:10/16/22/28

The Netherdrake's inborn toxic breath quickly drains the vitality of its afflicted.


Nethertoxin causes Viper's normal attack to deal bonus damage to units based on how much health they are missing. The bonus damage doubles for each 20% of health missing from the target. Nethertoxin deals half damage to creeps and buildings.

Affects:Enemy Structures And Units

Base Bonus Damage:2.5/5/2.5/10
Maximum Bonus Damage:40/80/120/60

Poison from the Nether Reaches turns wounds into fatalities, and fatigue into death.

Corrosive Skin

Viper exudes an infectious toxin that damages and slows any enemy that attacks it. The acid exudate also increases Viper's resistance to spells.


Atk and Move Speed Slow:10%/15%/20%/25%
Damage Per Second:10/15/20/25
Magic Resistance:10%/15%/20%/25%

It is not unusual for sword and shield alike to corrode in the very hands of those who attack the Netherdrake.

Viper Strike

Viper slows the targeted enemy unit's movement and attack speed while also dealing poison damage over time. The slowing effect reduces over the duration of the poison.

Ability:Target Unit

Mana Cost:125/175/250(125*)

Atk and Movement Slow:40%/60%/80%
Damage Per Second:60/100/145

Aghanim's Scepter:Decreases Mana Cost and Cooldown, and increases cast range

Pros / Cons

Pros:Damage over Time, Slows, Last hitting is a piece of cake with Nethertoxin
Cons:No escape method, Low starting HP

Skill Build Explanation

Nethertoxin at level 1 makes last hitting easy, along with a more powerful auto-attack, After that you want to max out poison attack by 7, because of no cooldown, low mana cost and harassment power. Level Viper Strike at default level 6,11 and 16. And of course, leaving corrosive skin for last.

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