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3 Votes

"What is a... Mana?" The Volcanic Glass Destroyer

October 3, 2012 by Squidaga
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daPhongster (8) | October 6, 2012 10:18pm
Kinda little, but why do you get Arcane Aura at level 1? To give your other nonexistant spells mana? lolz

Also, is the guide done? It doesn't look like it is.

And finally, you say this is a very odd build. Why? And what is this build trying to accomplish compared to standard AD builds? Unless there was misunderstanding of some sort.
Squidaga (1) | October 4, 2012 5:41pm

@Wulfstan- I just gave the guide a fairly thorough read-through, and I didn't anything about OD stealing HP. Actually, the creator states more than once that he steals INT, not HP. I don't know what guide you read, but it wasn't this one. I think going to an optometrist might help.

On to the guide. This build is a somewhat abnormal one, as it goes against many of the held beliefs on how OD should be played, and, to be honest, I was scratching my head a little at first. But, in curiosity, I decided to see if I couldn't make it work. The first few games following this guide, I got wrecked hands down. Then I realized that this build is just as much a shift on the concepts of playing OD as it is a shift on the current standard of his build. Granted, this isn't a pick up and play build, but OD isn't a pick up and play hero. The mathcrafting the author did does, after a little review, seem to make since. I wouldn't recommend this to the alt+tabbing never-played-OD-before noob, but if you're pretty confident of your skills, give it a few tries and adjust your playstyle to the build. Overall, good job. Unorthodox, yes, but sometimes you gotta reach outside the box to discover new things.

PS: I think it might help your guide's rating if you added a few more detailed sections of the altered play style as well as a few replays or clips of the effectiveness of the build.

Thanks for the constructive criticism.
I've been working on trying to get a decent capture software for examples on the altered play-style, since a picture is worth a thousand words, 60+ Pictures per second for about 5 minutes would save me the time of writing 18,000,000 words.

I'll try to get it out by, at the absolute LATEST, Saturday Morning.
Atlas (117) | October 4, 2012 5:30pm
Starbucks 64 wrote:

This build is terrible, you should never get AC, urn or hood. Also Outworld is good against int heroes because imprisonment takes away their hitpoimts, and can ruin their farm in the laning stages, and unless you have a terrible build (like this one) and/or can't farm, you shouldn't have to worry about having less inteligience than other int heroes.

Why should he never get AC or Hood? Hood is incredibly good against nuke-heavy heroes and in the end can end up preventing a lot of damage. It's a situational buy. AC is also GREAT as it gives him attack speed and armor. If you already have core items on OD, you're already hitting like a truck, an AC will only make you hit faster and give you armor that you need since you're not an agi carry.
NotSureIf (16) | October 4, 2012 5:20pm

Lol OD steals hitpoints? Since what era?I thought it steals intelligence and damage (if INT is the main atribute).So bad.

This was aimed at another commenter.
Starbucks 64 (3) | October 4, 2012 5:20pm
Wulfstan wrote:

Lol OD steals hitpoints?Since what era?I thought it steals intelligence and damage (if INT is the main atribute).So bad.

The build is bad too,why wouldn't you go on a dual lane with OD?Try midding with OD agaist TA.You just can't.

You know I meant damage dumb ***
SargentCannibal (1) | October 4, 2012 5:12pm
Wulfstan wrote:

Lol OD steals hitpoints?Since what era?I thought it steals intelligence and damage (if INT is the main atribute).So bad.

@Wulfstan- I just gave the guide a fairly thorough read-through, and I didn't anything about OD stealing HP. Actually, the creator states more than once that he steals INT, not HP. I don't know what guide you read, but it wasn't this one. I think going to an optometrist might help.

On to the guide. This build is a somewhat abnormal one, as it goes against many of the held beliefs on how OD should be played, and, to be honest, I was scratching my head a little at first. But, in curiosity, I decided to see if I couldn't make it work. The first few games following this guide, I got wrecked hands down. Then I realized that this build is just as much a shift on the concepts of playing OD as it is a shift on the current standard of his build. Granted, this isn't a pick up and play build, but OD isn't a pick up and play hero. The mathcrafting the author did does, after a little review, seem to make since. I wouldn't recommend this to the alt+tabbing never-played-OD-before noob, but if you're pretty confident of your skills, give it a few tries and adjust your playstyle to the build. Overall, good job. Unorthodox, yes, but sometimes you gotta reach outside the box to discover new things.

PS: I think it might help your guide's rating if you added a few more detailed sections of the altered play style as well as a few replays or clips of the effectiveness of the build.
Wulfstan (77) | October 4, 2012 6:01am
Starbucks 64 wrote:

This build is terrible, you should never get AC, urn or hood. Also Outworld is good against int heroes because imprisonment takes away their hitpoimts, and can ruin their farm in the laning stages, and unless you have a terrible build (like this one) and/or can't farm, you shouldn't have to worry about having less inteligience than other int heroes.

Lol OD steals hitpoints?Since what era?I thought it steals intelligence and damage (if INT is the main atribute).So bad.

The build is bad too,why wouldn't you go on a dual lane with OD?Try midding with OD agaist TA.You just can't.
Starbucks 64 (3) | October 3, 2012 7:50pm
This build is terrible, you should never get AC, urn or hood. Also Outworld is good against int heroes because imprisonment takes away their hitpoimts, and can ruin their farm in the laning stages, and unless you have a terrible build (like this one) and/or can't farm, you shouldn't have to worry about having less inteligience than other int heroes.
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