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16 Votes

"We'll Grind that AXE For a Long Time" 6.88.b

July 22, 2016 by fff last hits
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mr.dark gouki (1) | May 18, 2016 4:17pm
As i sexualy indentify muself as axe picker i do like this guide,but i was wondering did you tried maxing third and first skill then skip bh in favor of the stats works great for me.i build similar but i go staut wand ring of regen and ring of health leave braon boots get blink finish vanguard then rush bladmail uprade to boots of travel and get forcestaff moneshard scepter replace vanguard with tarrasqe etc.i take stats cuz it solve your mana problems synergise with vanguard makes you to keep up even in the lategame also makes you tanky as hell.personaly i find mini black hole with 10 sec cd much better than battle hunger.amd stats make you have 2 k of raw hp at lvl 14 with just naked vanguard you are a beast.basicly you rape everyone with call bm cull also win every clash even if you die only bad side of this is you have to be skilled enough to survive first 10 min 8f the game the rest is pretty much streeamroll.
fff last hits (1) | May 31, 2016 9:55am
Ha ha Mr.Man dark,I tried taking stats. But I'm not good at it. I guess it's good for you. Keep Axing everyone that way. I have got "too many to count" ...kills with battle hunger.. So, I still don't max call or stats early on though it makes me much tankier, no doubt. Or even on those lucky matches where I get an early blink and vanguard early laning stage, I max my hunger... And since I get to play dota on rare lucky occasions I spam the AXE Effect!! Right now, i have a 9 game win streat with AXE. Im Under 2k but this Butguide is anyway a guide for people like me.. Low MMR... Lol.. And the better players have their own build which may or may not be better than my build. And if u insist, I will try the way ure telling me to play this Red devil bu increasing stats, I will try a few more times. And have more Axtremely intense disections with you. Thank you for your point of view, And Cheers bro "Good day to fight"
mr.dark gouki (1) | May 31, 2016 4:51pm
Well good luck have fun bro.
trying out something different is n bad idea i recently tried necroobook on him too its qite good against invis and for push.
you also get mini dagon and diff blade with it.isn t life great?
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fff last hits (1) | January 24, 2016 3:23pm
hey ManBeaR00,thanks for reminding me... i will put up an explaination for my skill built too.
ManBeaR00 | January 24, 2016 2:40pm
Nice guide, but could you please explain your skillbuild? I don't really get why you would max battle hunger early and ignore call until lvl 8.
fff last hits (1) | January 15, 2016 2:53am
@Keep calm and feed.. I have tried getting halbert a few times.. Its amazing.. Ur right.. Nice, u reminded me. Specially good against carries if they're fed. The only drawback is the fact that its more focussed on a single hero. And yes BKB, is the safest option on AXE .But with bkb I tend to run off halfway through the Im more effective for my team and more importantly for myself,with blademail. Bkb works better with ur AXE playing style. And if it does, keep up the Tanking.. Surely debateable items. But yes the 5 seconds of Godlike is fun. I tend to keep blademail as I like to return the enemy's high Late game damage.. And with bkb, my loosing rates are much higher than of blademail. My AXE is not as smart with bkb I guess.. Lol.Try the shadowblade build when u have AXEcess gold and let's discuss on it. I would like to see ur opinion on that too.Anyway, thanks for ur feedback. Much appreciated.
fff last hits (1) | January 15, 2016 2:14am
Thanks guys. I'll work on on improvements.. And if u guys have some suggestions, please throw it at me... I'm a good catcher.. :)
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 14, 2016 10:44pm
Replace blademail with a halberd or bkb late game because casters that are important will have bkb and so will the carry.
Moonshard is an odd purchase just buy all consumables for the team and save for buyback.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | January 14, 2016 8:39pm
Nice guide mate!
Keep up the good work. +1
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 14, 2016 7:10pm
I am giving this a plus 1.
Long days I have spent waiting for a good axe guide and its here now.
Some things here are open controversies like a naked but booster instead of late vanguard, efficacy of manta on a early hero etc etc
But it works and you have my support.
YellulzQuiet (8) | January 14, 2016 8:39am
Nice guide, but you can improve mate keep it up !
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