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6 Votes

"The Bird Is the Word" - A Humble Guide to Outworld Destroyer

January 11, 2013 by Baba Ghanoush
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FergieTime | June 23, 2013 2:58am
Love the guide, works great, awesome hero!
anakvunky | April 9, 2013 9:51pm
Your explanation is make sense, i think i'm playing OD in the wrong way...
I will try your build... thanks for detailed explanation.
step35beder (1) | January 27, 2013 1:07am
Right Now OD Needs a Justified Buff...... If Not sooner or later it will be outphased by newer heroes that are coming like ember, phoenix and a lot more..

problem with going astral mode.. is that if you go mid.. your chances of ganking is 0 (zero)
since u dont have any dps build up for that,
secondly your opponent will probably gank since lanning with u is inconvenient then it will make other lanes harder since you only have astral meaning u teleporting on other lanes to help on gank will do no good or just be waste of time.....

what OD needs is a good team that will carry OD throughout the game, until OD can secure items..
as much as possible be invisible throughout the game... which is so hard to do especially when they have invi heroes aka (nerub, bh, clinks, slark)

Last of all.. OD's Ult needs a BUFF..... it barely damages most heroes nowadays because of these updates on maps, they also tweak most of the heroes.. leaving OD in a bad spot for his ULT..

I understand a lot of players will say OD is OP when late.. but normally OD is being carried by his team so that he can get items, not necessarily OD is carrying the game...

If u want to learn OD.. you need to learn to die alot ( LIKE ALOT ALOT) and you will realize that OD is weak right now and needs a buff....

Im a devoted OD player and right now it has become really hard to play OD in high level (20+) in DOTA2....

because of items and buffs that has been added on certains players.
but just keep hoping the will finally BUFF the OD sooner or Later.
Baba Ghanoush | January 9, 2013 6:20am
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm a computer noob but I will try to add more pics and make it more visually interesting
Th3Watcher | January 8, 2013 11:46pm
I love this guide, might try it with my friends sometime +1
Mirror (22) | January 8, 2013 4:06pm
wow that is a wall of text. Try adding dome color of pictures. Other than that I agree with the item build. +1
mightycookie (5) | January 8, 2013 2:24pm
hey, nice guide. a bit short. also you can use these [ [ ] ] to make heroes appear like this windrunner will make it nicer dont use spaces, all together. pretty standard build on him.... anyways, +1
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