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"The Bane Of My Existence"

August 8, 2017 by Nathenial
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DotA2 Hero: Bane

Hero Skills

Ichor of Nyctasha (Innate)


11 13 14 16

Brain Sap

1 3 5 7


2 4 8 9

Fiend's Grip

6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

+3s Fiend's Grip Duration
+275 Brain Sap Damage/Heal
+30 Movement Speed
-3s Nightmare Cooldown
+5% Fiend's Grip Max Mana Drain
+13 Enfeeble Damage per second
+20% Enfeeble Cast Range Reduction
+125 Brain Sap Cast Range


Alright it's time for another CRINGE Guide,ahem, I mean DOTA guide on Bane. Lets ruin the world for noobs shall we?


Click To See Ability Info
(How they work).

Alright so in order to be the "Bane Of Existence" for your enemies, you need to use these suckers (pun intended) called abilities to win.

Brain Sap, this is where your first point goes and HOLY **** is it worth it.
you see as a support, you should force out the offlaner and that is easy with this wonderful ability.
First you want to trade hits with them and once a around a 100 damage has been delt, "Delicious"

is what Bane should say.
The reason for this is Brain sap gives you 70 health as well as 70 pure damage for the enemy. (lvl 1)
THIS IS FRIG'N ANNOYING FOR THE ENEMY WHY? Because it's a 140 health health difference instantly (keep in mind its pure damage, therefore its 70 damage, no matter what).

This is true for the entire game which is why you MAX IT OUT FIRST!!!


Nightmare is a double edged sword, its annoying for enemies and stupid allies. Therefore I will begin with this warning, push the same key To Stop it, even if your in it yourself. this ability works with ALL skill shots like:

(I think)

However, don't just draft Bane cuz "This kunkka might be an idiot." NO! There is another 102 heroes to pick, just because one hero is in a game doesn't mean a certain other has to be. I'm gonna talk about dis later in "Game Play"

I know right? boring picture. ANYWAYS!


Okay okay listen for a sec. Ask yourself,
what does this ability do when my enemy runs away? Nothing.

What does this do when your enemy has spells? like Slardar?he has two spells like a bash that is not effected by Enfeeble (and stuns u) and then once you just trade badly, he uses Slithereen Crush to do what ever the heck he wants.

Brain Sap and Nightmare do solve both of the problems above. The chapter labeled "GamePlay" is gonna talk a little more about this. But any who, when you get it keep in mind it sucks on your mana easily but it also sucks to have 120 damage reduction.And YES, there are situations where I grab it lvl 4 or 3 (if desperate enough) because i'm losing the lane or its a duel lane or if your facing against an idiot like this ;)



Fun Fact, i'm not gonna talk for long on this. Why? because look at them. Don't worry you don't have to scroll up Its fine Here

You see? It's easy. Just pick the biggest win rate. However, try to ask yourself for lvl 10 and 25. If there mostly physical get dat armor, if they have A LOT of BURST (lina and Tiny) dont get the brain sap heal. (you won't have time to cast it)

But yeah if you get aghs then its essential for that 200 plus damage/heal.

K i'm done with talents.


UUGH lets just do this.
Ok starting items (as listed above)are a piece of cake. HERE WE GO!

Courier/Flying Courier: M8 ur da support

Tango: don't be a noob

Clarity: mana..(why do I have to do dis...)

Wind Lace/Sentry ward: if your against say Slardar (he has movement speed ability) or clockwork (look up cogs, basically u get close u get dead) so Wind lace helps with both situations. Otherwise get dat sentry.

Tranquil: Keep in mind this is what your wind lace comes to and it helps with trading since you wont have to commit to brain sap EVERY TIME (and speed is good too)

Soul Ring: Basically solves all mana issues and a little more health regen. Also Brain Sap works well as it covers the 150 hp u lost and a little more. REMEMBER TO USE IT

wand: sometimes if I get well farmed from kills, I skip this.

Rain Drop: basically your immortal for the first 10 min, as very few heroes can beat up bane in early game without stupid amount of farm. also the mana IS amplified by soul ring.


wait.. late game...


OK FIRST OFF... can we talk about how good of a pun that was in the title? no? ok.
Also this requires you to a lot of thinking. All I can do s teach you how to think. k?

Ghost Scepter: Sometimes Monkey king will come and stun you invis or not. So why not take a stun that does no damage?

Glimmer cape: when you activate your ult, the enemyis gonna cry. So why not make them cry and have no idea what is going on? (long story short, use it while channeling and it will not cancel the ult.)

Force Staff: This is a cheep stat item. However I find it works best when me and my team are utterly losing. ( OR when riki shows up)

Aether Lens: Gap Closing Gold

Rod of Atos: This and blink are typically my 2 choices after 2 mid game items. This is a better item for the stats which I really don't mind and you can feel free to reck with 3 disables that are a stun/root/sleepy time

Blink; More mobility? need to nightmare that stupid sniper where no one can reach? blink blink and blink.

Linken's sphere: pretty expensive but really good for blood seeker and simple annoyances that cancel your ult.

Aghanim's Scepter: This is REALLY GOOD... ON PAPER seriously I tried it and it's pretty bad. Whether it be a carry build or support. It is not gonna work anytime soon.(that's what I think anyways) think anyways)[/color]

Scythe of Vyse: kinda like Rod of Atos but more expensive also both work together pretty well, but it sucks because you may not have the inventory space.




Alright So your the support doing support things. But wait, your Bane THAT MEANS YOU GO AND RECK THAT LANE BECAUSE NO ONE CAN STOP YOU!!! AND NO EXCUSES YOU NOOB! Want to know what is more intense than war? well a little game called DEFENSE OF THE ANCIENTSAND YOU WILL NOT SCREW IT UP NOT THIS TIME!!! That sweet MMR is all that matters NOW

*deep breath*

But no seriously you should kill/ At least contest any offlaner that is foolish to come to your lane.How? well Bane has one of the strongest things in this current meta and that is owning lane and trading hits with ease. And once you get level 6 ITS TIME TO GANK! GRAB THAT SMOKE AND GET THOSE BEAUTIFUL COMMENDS!!!!

In case I haven't made it obvious, early game is your time. Seriously with my previous experiences, you feel a loss in Power around level 7 so use your time wisely and efficiently. Nightmare works best when you can spot someone out with a blink and their about to initiate, simply brain sap them, seriously though. What happens when you nightmare that enigma or tide hunter and the cant use their precise ult in time? what happens if you cancel that Snipers free rain of fire for 7 seconds? nothing. you. win.

Ayy fellas thanks for reading this guide, it means a lot to me personally.
I tried my hardest not to make this a wall of text, because those are quite borring. However if there was to little info I left out, tell me!!! I would love some of dat feedback! (edit: I'm accepting any missing pun opportunities as I will quickly add those for fun)

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