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19 Votes

"Safe" Necrolyte Build

March 23, 2012 by MysteryG
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People in the Trees (1) | August 14, 2012 9:16pm
I like to play Necro as a huskar counter. in most situations, Necros ulti used right after Huskar life breaks you result in a SMACKDOWN haha.
Google#239666 | June 13, 2012 5:19am
Very good guide, thanks for this basic set out, and not unrealistic (having about 20,000 gold in items by mid game, as some guides have) thanks
KFCRAMPAGE | June 9, 2012 1:00am
Then again, I guess if you're unsure on how to play the hero...Mekanism might be one of those "safe" items as you talk about

I just don't like playing heroes like that :D I'm more...carry/aggressive
KFCRAMPAGE | June 9, 2012 12:31am
I'm sorry but out of the whole time of me playing HoN and DOTA I never find Mekanism to be that great on a hero like this since he already has a heal. I mean when I play this guy, I heal enough with my Death Pulse and it's already a great bother to enemy heroes. It seems more viable to me to work for the early bloodstone because of the tankiness it provides to this hero. No it's not the easiest item to farm but if you're able to last hit and farm effectively, even the hp items on it will make you tanky enough to survive until you make the whole item.
MysteryG | March 23, 2012 11:44am
Edited to reflect an early level in heartstopper.
Mrs Warboys (10) | February 4, 2012 11:00pm
Yeah I would never max Heartstopper before Sadist. That Level 4 600 mana upon Hero kill is just insanely powerful. Early game Necro can't really use Heartstopper once laning finishes, he isn't that tanky or sustainable without his items so he's not going to be around long enough to really deal substantial damage with Heartstopper.

TLDR: +1 HamSandwich ;)
HamSandwich (34) | February 4, 2012 8:30pm
Mrs Warboys and ConMasterFlash are right that 1 level of heartstopper can **** up lane opponents. However, it's ******ed to take anything other than death pulse/sadist.

If you're a terrible lasthitter, heartstopper is fine.
ConMasterFlash (2) | February 4, 2012 12:13pm
I agree. 1 level of hearstopper will cancel out their natural regen and make any harass have to healed off with tangos.
Mrs Warboys (10) | February 4, 2012 2:37am
You'll be amazed how much 1 level of Heartstopper screws up lane opponents. Makes every tango reduced in power.
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