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17 Votes

"Roasted, toasted and burnt to a crisp!" - A Guide on Batrider

October 11, 2014 by JasChe_XXIV
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JasChe_XXIV (2) | March 29, 2015 3:11pm
What would be the problem you're facing Hay?
HaylingZar | March 22, 2015 3:42pm
I tried to follow your guide but I don't really get this hero... I managed to get 2 kills but 17 deaths and we lost the game.
HaylingZar | March 22, 2015 3:42pm
I tried to follow your guide but I don't really get this hero... I managed to get 2 kills but 17 deaths and we lost the game.
Xenith | November 26, 2014 5:34am
Great and very helpful guide. +1
JasChe_XXIV (2) | September 7, 2014 5:38am
It's good to know that I'm still helping people even when I have a busy schedule :D

Also, I'm always open for suggestions. I'll still keep an eye out for this guide and I might make a different guide some time in the near (or maybe far...) future. xD
Gambit306 (1) | August 25, 2014 6:28pm
Just learning about Batrider, he is awesome and your guide helped me get started! thanks +1
Woubit | June 11, 2014 9:12am
Ah i see, that makes sense - only i usually play bat offlane, so cant always afford to be so bold in lane if they run a stun-heavy trilane (as you said). But it certainly sounds like a good idea if he's played in other lanes, thanks :)
JasChe_XXIV (2) | June 11, 2014 4:15am
@Woubit: for some, the Bracers are outdated items on Batrider, most of the time it'll just be wasting time and money for the real items.
(But between you and me, I still do some "outdated" stuff on Batrider as well xD)

But if that's the case, then they're "clever" enough to get away from the stacks, but they're also "dumb" for giving you free cs.

a way that you can ensure them leaving the exp range is to be in between them and the creeps so that whenever you see them, you can put the stacks. either way, they'd be at a disadvantaged if they kept on staying/leaving. the only thing you've got to be worried about is if they got stuns, or if it's an aggressive trilane.

PS. thanks for the feedback :)
Woubit | June 10, 2014 8:54am
This is a very good guide - I love batrider and this is almost exactly how I like to play him - but i like to get one or maybe even two bracers after getting my tranquil boots (when im offlane) - the extra durability it gives can make a lot of difference when going for the kill. Also you mentioned attacking people when your napalm stack on them is 10 stacks - I often find that my enemies are clever enough to back off and wait for the stacks to disappear before it gets anywhere near 10
JasChe_XXIV (2) | June 5, 2014 7:43am
I pretty much haven't even used vanguard, since i'm no good with melee
Xyrus (104) | June 5, 2014 7:31am
JasChe_XXIV wrote:

I think xyrus was talking about vanguard bat

Well, yeah...but I am probably the biggest Vanguard hater on this site. 8{3

There are some Heroes I don't mind it on, but it's Situational at best on any Hero.

I do, it's so good if rushed on tower divers like Doom, Ursa or Ember Spirit, plus it's core on Bristleback.


You dare build a Vanguard on my precious Bristleback! You shall pay for this! D{8
JasChe_XXIV (2) | June 5, 2014 7:07am

I do, it's so good if rushed on tower divers like Doom, Ursa or Ember Spirit, plus it's core on Bristleback.

And about the guide, I like it more now: Eul's and MoM are so fun to use if you want extra movement speed; Shiva's, BKB, Pipe and Vyse are some of the late game items I take most of the time, too. I've never tried the Bloodstone and the Orchid Malevolence, but while the first one is outclassed by a Linken's or BKB I think the second one is actually pretty good. You can still purchase a BS if you want to respawn in little time though.

I think xyrus was talking about vanguard bat
Like i said, bs is kind of a luxury already on bat
Glad you like the edit peppo :-D
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